Christian D. Ott (, Adam Burrows (, Luc Dessart (, and Eli Livne (
Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 201102 (2006)
We present a new theory for the gravitational-wave signatures of core-collapse supernovae. Previous studies identified axisymmetric rotating core collapse, core bounce, postbounce convection, and anisotropic neutrino emission as the primary processes and phases for the radiation of gravitational waves. Our results, which are based on axisymmetric Newtonian supernova simulations, indicate that the dominant emission process of gravitational waves in core-collapse supernovae may be the oscillations of the protoneutron star core. The oscillations are predominantly of g mode character, are excited hundreds of milliseconds after bounce, and typically last for several hundred milliseconds. Our results suggest that even nonrotating core-collapse supernovae should be visible to current LIGO-class detectors throughout the Galaxy, and depending on progenitor structure, possibly out to megaparsec distances. |
Below we provide the gravitational wave signature data for the three models discussed in our article. Model s11WW and s25WW employed the 11 and 25 Msun progenitors of [Woosley & Weaver 1995] and model m15b6 used the slowly rotating 15 Msun model of [Heger et al. 2005]. For each model we computed the gravitational wave emissions from mass-quadrupole and neutrino components. A quantitative summary of the results can be found here (PNG) or here (PDF). All data files are in gzipped plain text ASCII format.
Download tar-ball including gravitational wave data of all models. |
Model | ||
s11WW | s25WW | m15b6 | |
Mass-quadrupole emission time (s), h+ scaled to 10 kpc distance. |
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Mass-quadrupole emission Gravitational wave energy spectra. Frequency (Hz), dE/df (Msunc2) |
download | download | download | Emission due to anisotropic neutrino radiation time (s), h+ scaled to 10 kpc distance. The waveforms were extracted at 100 km radius. |
download | download | download | Emission due to anisotropic neutrino radiation Gravitational wave energy spectra. Frequency (Hz), dE/df (Msunc2). Note that owing to the non-periodicity of the signals, even periodic boundaries had to be assumed for the discrete Fourier transform. The spectra were cut at 1000 Hz and rescaled to correctly yield the total emitted energy. |
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Below we provide gravitational wave signature data for models whose radiation-hydrodynamic evolutions were discussed in Burrows et al., "Features of the Acoustic Mechanism of Core-Collapse Supernova Explosions," ApJ 655, 416 (2007). Here we present the gravitational wave data from calculations that made use of the nonrotating 11.2, 13.0, 15.0, 20.0, and 25.0 Msun presupernova models of [Woosley et al. 2002 (WHW02)] (models with prefix "s") and of the nonrotating 13 and 15 Msun progenitors of [Nomoto & Hashimoto 1988] (models with prefix "nomoto"). For each model we provide the axisymmetric mass-quadrupole gravitational wave strain and the gravitational wave energy spectrum. All files are gzipped plain text ASCII. The gravitational wave emission associated with anisotropic neutrino radiation fields was not computed. A summary table can be found here (PNG) or here (PDF).
Download tar-ball including gravitational wave data of all models. | |||||||
Model | |||||||
s11.2 | s13.0 | s15.0 | s20.0 | s25.0 | nomoto13 | nomoto15 | |
Mass-quadrupole h+ time (s), h+ scaled to 10 kpc distance. |
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Gravitational wave energy spectra. Frequency (Hz), dE/df (Msunc2) |
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Supernova GW Signature Catalog
Supernova Theory
Waveform Data:
Dessart et al. 2006,
ApJ 644, 1063
Related articles
by the Arizona/Princeton group:
Burrows et al. 2007b,
ApJ submitted
Burrows et al. 2007,
ApJ 665, 416
Burrows et al. 2006,
ApJ 640, 878
Dessart et al. 2006b,
ApJ 645, 534
Ott et al. 2006b,
ApJS 164, 130
Ott et al. 2005,
ApJ 625, L119
Walder et al. 2005,
ApJ 626, 317
External Links:
NASA GW Catalog
Garching SN GW Catalog
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