Analysis based on Dessart et al., Multidimensional Simulations of the Accretion-induced Collapse (AIC) of White Dwarfs to Neutron Stars, ApJ, 644, 1063 (2006).
The gravitational wave signature of the considered AIC models has been extensively discussed in C. D. Ott, PhD Thesis, Max-Planck-Institut für Gravitationsphysik and Universität Potsdam, 2006. The complete text may be obtained from Christian D. Ott (cott at A comprehensive summary may be found here.
Below we provide gravitational wave signature data for the two considered AIC models. All files are gzip-compressed plain ASCII text files.
Download tar-ball containing everything. |
Model | |
1.46 Msun | 1.92 Msun | |
Mass-quadrupole emission time (s), h+ scaled to 10 kpc distance, maximum density (g/cm3) |
download | download |
Mass-quadrupole emission Gravitational wave energy spectra. Frequency (Hz), dE/df (Msunc2) |
download | download | Emission due to anisotropic neutrino radiation time (s), h+ scaled to 10 kpc distance. The waveforms were extracted at 300 km radius in the 1.92-Msun model and at 200 km in the more slowly rotating 1.46-Msun model. |
download | download | Emission due to anisotropic neutrino radiation Gravitational wave energy spectra. Frequency (Hz), dE/df (Msunc2). Note that owing to the non-periodicity of the signals, even periodic boundaries had to be assumed for the discrete Fourier transform. The spectra were cut at 1000 Hz and rescaled to correctly yield the total emitted energy. |
download | download |
Supernova GW Signature Catalog
Supernova Theory
Waveform Data:
Ott et al. 2006,
PRL 96, 201102
Related articles
by the Arizona/Princeton group:
Burrows et al. 2007b,
ApJ submitted
Burrows et al. 2007,
ApJ 665, 416
Burrows et al. 2006,
ApJ 640, 878
Dessart et al. 2006b,
ApJ 645, 534
Ott et al. 2006b,
ApJS 164, 130
Ott et al. 2005,
ApJ 625, L119
Walder et al. 2005,
ApJ 626, 317
External Links:
NASA GW Catalog
Garching SN GW Catalog
cott at
burrows at