Research Papers, Astrophysics 2000-2009 1963-1969 | 1970-1979 | 1980-1989 | 1990-1999 | 2000-2009 | 2010-2019 215. "Physical Bias of Galaxies from Large-Scale Hydrodynamic Simulations" R. Cen and J.P. Ostriker, (astro-ph/9809370) Astrophysical Journal, 538, 83 (2000). 219. "Cosmic
Concordance and Quintessence" (L. Wang, R. R. Caldwell, J.P. Ostriker
and P. J. Steinhardt) (Astro-ph/9901388), Astrophysical Journal, 530,
17 (2000). 221. "Luminosity
Density of Galaxies and Cosmic Star Formation Rate from L; CDM Hydrodynamical Simulations," K.
Nagamine, R. Cen and J.P. Ostriker, (Astro-ph/9902372) Astrophysical
Journal, 541, 25-36 (2000). 222. "Time Evolution
of Galaxy Formation and Bias in Cosmological Simulations," M. Blanton,
R. Cen, J.P. Ostriker, M.A. Strauss and M. Tegmark, (Astro-ph/9903165), Astrophysical
Journal, 531, 1 (2000). 223. "High-Redshift
Quasars Found in Sloan Digital Sky Survey Commissioning Data," X. Fan,
M.A. Strauss et. al (including J.P. Ostriker and SDSS collaborators), Astronomical
Journal, 118, 1 (1999). 224. "The Cosmic
Triangle: Revealing the State of the Universe," N.A.
Bahcall, J.P. Ostriker, S. Perlmutter and P.J. Steinhardt, Science, 284,
1481B ( 225. "The Expected
Mass Function for Low Mass Galaxies in a CDM Cosmology: Is There a
Problem?" by W.A. Chiu, N. Y. Gnedin & J.P. Ostriker, (Astro-ph/0103359), Astrophysical
Journal,563, 21(2001). 226. "Formation
of Galactic Bulges," N.Y. Gnedin, M.L. Norman & J.P. Ostriker,
Astro-ph/9912563, Astrophysical Journal, 540 32-38 (2000). 227. "A Semi-Analytic
Model for Cosmological Reheating and Reionization Due to the Gravitational
Collapse of Structure," W.A. Chiu & J.P. Ostriker, (Astro-ph/9907220), Astrophysical
Journal, 534, 507 (2000). 228. "The Structure
of Dark Matter Halos in Hierarchical Clustering Theories," K. Subramanian,
R. Cen & J.P. Ostriker, (Astro-ph/9909279) Astrophysical Journal, 538,
528 (2000). 229. "The Observed
Probability Distribution Function, Power Spectrum, and Correlation
Function of the Transmitted Flux in the Lyman-alpha Forest," P. McDonald,
J. Miralda-Escude, M. Rauch, W.L.W. Sargent, T.A. Barlow, R. Cen & J.P.
Ostriker, (Astro-ph/9911196), Astrophysical Journal, 543,
1-23 (2000). 230. "Cooling
Flows and Quasars: II. Detailed
Models of Feedback Modulated Accretion Flows," L. Ciotti, & J.P.
Ostriker, Astro-ph/9912064, Astrophysical Journal, 551,
131-152, (2001) 231. "The Tree-Particle-Mesh
N-body Gravity Solver," P. Bode, J.P. Ostriker and G. Xu, Astro-ph/9912541, Astrophysical
Journal (Supplement), 128, 561-569 (2000). 232. "Collisional
Dark Matter and the Origin of Massive Black Holes," J.P. Ostriker,
Astro-ph/9912548, Physical Review Letters, 84, 5258-5260
(2000). 233. "Preheated
Advection Dominated Accretion Flow," M-G Park and J.P. Ostriker, Astro-ph/0001446, Astrophysical
Journal, 549, 100-117 (2001). 234. "The Mass-to-Light
Function: Antibias and Omega_m," N.A. Bahcall, R.
Cen, R. Davé, J.P. Ostriker and Q. Yu, (Astro-ph/0002310), Astrophysical
Journal, 541, 1-9 (2000). 235. "Baryons
in the Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium," R. Davé, R. Cen, J.P.
Ostriker, G.L. Bryan, L. Hernquist, N. Katz, D.H. Weinberg, M.L. Norman
and B. O'Shea, (Astro-ph/0007217), Astrophysical Journal, 552,
473 (2001). 236. "Properties
of Cosmic Shock Waves in Large Scale Structure Formation," J. Miniati,
D. Ryu, H. Kang, T.W. Jones, R. Cen and J.P. Ostriker, (Astro-ph/0005444), Astrophysical
Journal, 542, 608-621 (2000). 237. "Evolution
of the Cluster Mass Function: Dark Matter Simulations," P. Bode,
N.A. Bahcall, E. B. Ford & J.P. Ostriker, (Astro-ph/0011376), Astrophysical
Journal, 551, 15-22 (2001). 238. "Cosmic
Mach Number as a Function of Overdensity and Galaxy Age," K. Nagamine,
J.P. Ostriker & R. Cen, Astrophysical Journal, (Astro-ph/0010253), Astrophysical
Journal, 553, 513 (2001). 239. "Limits
on Collisional Dark Matter from Elliptical Galaxies in Clusters," O.Y.
Gnedin & J.P. Ostriker, (Astro-ph/0010436), Astrophysical Journal, 561,
61 (2001). 240. "Halo Formation
in Warm Dark Matter Models," P. Bode, J.P. Ostriker & N. Turok,
(Astro-ph/0010389), Astrophysical Journal, 556,
93-1007 (2001). 242. "Star Formation
History and Stellar Metallicity Distribution in a Cold Dark Matter
Universe," K. Nagamine, M. Fukugita, R. Cen and J.P. Ostriker, (Astro-ph/0011472), Astrophysical
Journal, 558, 497 (2001). 243. "Is there
Still Room for Warm/Hot Gas? Simulating the X-ray
Background Spectrum," L.A. Philips, J.P. Ostriker & R. Cen, (Astro-ph/0011348), Astrophysical
Journal (Letters), 554L, 9 (2001). 244. "The Sloan
Digital Sky Survey: Technical Summary," D.G. York,
J. Adelman et. al (including J.P. Ostriker and SDSS collaborators), Astronomical
Journal, 120, 1579 (2000). 245. "Evolution
of the Luminosity Function and Colors of Galaxies in a Lambda-CDM Universe," K.
Nagamine, M. Fukugita, R. Cen & J.P. Ostriker (Astro-ph/0102180), Mon.
Not. R. Astron., 327, 1, L10-L14 (2001). 246. "Constraints
on Warm Dark Matter from Cosmological Reionization," by R. Barkana,
Z. Haiman & J.P. Ostriker, (Astro-ph/0102304), Astrophysical
Journal, 558, 482 (2001). 247. "Rayleigh
Scattering and Microwave Background Fluctuations," Q. Yu, D.N. Spergel & J.P.
Ostriker (Astro-ph/0103149), Astrophysical Journal, 558,
23-28 (2001). 248. "Revealing
the Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium with OVI Absorption," by R. Cen,
T.M. Tripp, J.P. Ostriker & E.B. Jenkins (Astro-ph/0106204), Astrophysical
Journal (Letters), 559L, 5 (2001). 249. "Observational
Constraints on the Self-Interacting Dark Matter Scenario and the Growth
of Supermassive Black Holes," by J.F. Hennawi & J.P. Ostriker (Astro-ph/0108203), Astrophysical
Journal, 572, 41 (2002). 250. "Metallicity
Evolution of Damped Lyman Alpha Systems in Lambda CDM Cosmology," by
R. Cen, J.P. Ostriker, J.X. Prochaska & A.M. Wolfe, (Astro-ph/0203524), Astrophysical
Journal, 598, 741 (2003). 251. "Tree-Particle-Mesh: An
Adaptive, Efficient, and Parallel Code for Collisionless Cosmological
Simulation," by P. Bode & J.P. Ostriker, (Astro-ph/0302065), Astrophysical
Journal (Supplement), 145, 1B (2003). 252. "The Cluster
Mass Function from Early SDSS Data: Cosmological
Implications," by N.A. Bahcall, F. Dong, P. Bode, R. Kim, J. Annis,
T.A. McKay, S. Hansen, J. Gunn, J.P. Ostriker, M. Postman, R.C. Nichol,
T. Goto, J. Brinkmann, G.R. Knapp, D.O. Lamb, D.P. Schneider, M.S.
Vogeley, & D.G. York (Astro-ph/0205490), Astrophysical Journal, 585,
182B (2003) 253. "Compton-Heated Outflow from Convection-Dominated Accretion Flows, M-G. Park & J.P. Ostriker, Astrophysical
Journal 655, 88-97 (2007). 254. "Detecting X-ray filaments
in the low redshift Universe with XEUS and Constellation-X," by M.
Viel, E. Branchini, R. Cen, S. Matarrese,P. Mazzotta & J.P. Ostriker, Monthly
Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 341, 792 (2003). 255. "The Sloan
Digital Sky Survey: Early Data Release," C. Stoughton,
R.H. Lupton et. al (including J.P. Ostriker and SDSS collaborators), Astronomical
Journal, 123, 485 (2002). 256. "Gravitational
Lensing by a Compound Population of Halos: Standard
Models," L-X Li and J.P. Ostriker, Astrophysical Journal, 595,
603L (2003). 257. "Reasoning
From Fossils: Learning From the Local Black Hole
Population About the Evolution of Quasars," Z. Haiman, L. Ciotti, & J.P.
Ostriker, (Astro-ph/0304129), Astrophysical Journal, 606,
763 (2004). 258. "Combining
WMAP and SDSS Quasar Data on Reionization Constrains Cosmological Parameters
and the Star Formation Efficiency," W.A. Chiu, X. Fan, & J.P. Ostriker,
(Astro-ph/0304234), Astrophysical Journal, 599,
759-772 (2003). 259. "Semi-Analytical
Models for Lensing by Dark Halos: I. Splitting Angles," L-X
Li, J.P. Ostriker, (Astro-ph/0010432), Astrophysical Journal, 566,
652-666 (2002). 260. "The Probability
Distribution Function of Light in the Universe: Results
from Hydrodynamic Simulations," J.P. Ostriker, K. Nagamine, R. Cen, & M.
Fukugita (Astro-ph/0305203), Astrophysical Journal 597,
1 (2003). 261. "Quasars: the
characteristic spectrum and the induced radiative heating," S.Yu. Sazonov,
J.P. Ostriker & R.A. Sunyaev, (Astro-ph/0305233), Monthly Notices of the Royal
Astronomical Society 347, 144 (2004). 262. "The Three-dimensional
Power Spectrum of Galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey," M. Tegmark,
M. R. Blanton et al. (including J.P. Ostriker and SDSS collaborators),
(Astro-ph/0310725), Astrophysical Journal, 606,
702 (2004). 263. "New Light
on Dark Matter," J.P. Ostriker, & P.J. Steinhardt, Science, 300,
pp 1909-1914 (2003). 264. "Precision
Cosmology? Not Just Yet…," S.L. Bridle, O.
Lahav, J.P. Ostriker & P.J. Steinhardt, Science, 299,
1532-1533 (2003). 265. "The First
Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey," K. Abazajian, J.K. Adelman-McCarthy,
et al. (including J.P. Ostriker and SDSS collaborators), Astronomical
Journal, 126, 2081 (2003). 266. "Reionisation,
chemical enrichment and seed black holes from the first stars: Is
Population III important?" M. Ricotti & J.P. Ostriker, (Astro-ph/0310331), Monthly
Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 350, 539 (2004). 267. "Cosmological
Simulations of Elliptical Galaxy Formation in LCDM and LWDM Cosmologies," L.J.
Wright, J.P. Ostriker, T. Naab & G. Efstathiou, (Astro-ph/0310513), Monthly Notices of the Royal
Astronomical Society, (submitted)(2003). 268. "Cosmological
parameters from SDSS and WMAP," M. Tegmark, M. Strauss et al. (including
J.P. Ostriker and SDSS collaborators), (Astro-ph/0310723), Physical
Review D, 69, 3501 (2004). 269. "X-ray
Pre-ionisation Powered by Accretion on the First Black Holes. I: A
Model for the WMAP Polarization Measurement," M. Ricotti & J.P.
Ostriker, (Astro-ph/0311003), Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical
Society, 352, (2004).
270. "Massive
Black Holes in Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy Halos?" S. Jim, J.P. Ostriker & M.I.
Wilkinson, (Astro-ph/0311457), Astrophysical Journal (submitted)(2003). 271. "Is there
a Missing Galaxy Problem at High Redshift?" K. Nagamine, R. Cen, L. Hernquist, J.P.
Ostriker & V. Springel, (Astro-ph/0311294), Astrophysical Journal, 610; 45N (2004). 272. "Giant
Arc Statistics in 273. "Anomalous
Flux Ratios in Gravitational Lenses: For or Against
CDM?" by S. Mao, Y.P. Jing, J.P. Ostriker & J. Weller, (Astro-ph/0402149), Astrophysical
Journal Letters, 604, L5-L8 (2004). 274. "Linking
halo mass to galaxy luminosity," A. Vale & J.P. Ostriker, (Astro-ph/0402500), Monthly
Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 353, 189 (2004). 275. "Properties
of Cold Dark Matter Halos at z>6," by R. Cen, F. Dong, P. Bode & J.P.
Ostriker, (Astro-ph/0403352), Astrophysical Journal, (submitted)(2004). 276. "X-ray Pre-ionisation Powered
by Accretion on the First Black Holes. II: Cosmological
Simulations and Observational Signatures," M. Ricotti, J.P. Ostriker & N.Y.
Gnedin, (Astro-ph/0404318), Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical
Society, 357, 207 (2005). 277. "Gravitational
lensing in a concordance LCDM universe: The importance
of secondary matter along the line of sight," J. Wambsganss, P. Bode & J.P.
Ostriker, (Astro-ph/0405147), Astrophysical Journal Letters, (submitted)(2004). 278. "Massive
galaxies in cosmological simulations: UV-selected
sample at redshift z=2," K. Nagamine, R. Cen, L. Hernquist, J.P. Ostriker & V.
Springle, (Astro-ph/0406032), Astrophysical Journal, 618,
23 (2005). 279. "Quantitative Signatures
of Galactic Superwinds: Inhomogeneous Metal Enrichment
of the 280. "Physical
effects on the Lyman-alpha forest flux power spectrum: damping
wings, ionizing radiation fluctuations, and galactic winds," P. McDonald,
U. Seljak, R. Cen, P. Bode & J.P. Ostriker, (Astro-ph/0407378), Monthly
Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, (submitted)(2005). 281. "Cosmological
parameter analysis including SDSS Ly-alpha forest and galaxy bias: constraints
on the primordial spectrum of fluctuations, neutrino mass, and dark
energy," U. Seljak, A. Makarov, P. McDonald, 282. "The
Second Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey," K. Abazajian,
J.K. Adelman-McCarthy et al. (including J.P. Ostriker and SDSS
collaborators), The Astronomical Journal, 128, 502-512
(2004). 283. "Radiative
feedback from quasars and the growth of massive black holes in stellar
spheroids," S.Yu. Sazonov, J.P. Ostriker, L. Ciotti & R.A. Sunyaev,
(Astro-ph/0411086), Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 358,
268 (2005). 284. "Simulations of Strong Gravitational Lensing with Substructure," A. Amara, R.B. Metcalf, T.J. Cox & J.P. Ostriker, (Astro-ph/0411587), Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, (submitted)(2006). 285. "Massive galaxies & EROs at z=1-3 in cosmological hydrodynamic simulations: near-IR properties," K. Nagamine, R. Cen, L. Hernquist, J.P. Ostriker & V. Springle, (Astro-ph/0502001), Astrophysical Journal, 627, 608 (2005). 286. "Tracing the Warm Hot Intergalactic Medium in the local Universe," M. Viel, E. Branchini, R. Cen, J.P. Ostriker, S. Matarrese, P. Mazzotta & B. Tully, (Astro-ph/0412566) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 360, 1110V (2005). 287. "A Simple and Accurate Model for Intra-Cluster Gas," J.P. Ostriker, P. Bode & A. Babul, (Astro-ph/0504334), Astrophysical Journal, 634, 964 (2005). 288. "Galactic Wind Effects on the Lyman-alpha Absorption in the Vicinity of Galaxies," J.A. Kollmeier, J. Miralda-Escude, R. Cen & J.P. Ostriker, (Astro-ph/0503674), Astrophysical Journal, 638, 52 (2006). 289. "Formation of early-type galaxies from cosmological initial conditions?" T. Naab, P.H. Johansson, J.P. Ostriker & G. Efstathiou, (Astro-ph/0512235), Astrophysical Journal, 658, 710 (2007). 290. "Fast Identification of Bound Structures in Large N-Body Simulations," J. Weller, J.P. Ostriker, P. Bode, L. Shaw, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 364, Issue 3, pp. 823-832 (2005) 291. "Active Galaxies and Radiative Heating: One Contribution of 13 to a Discussion Meeting 'The impact of active galaxies on the Universe at large'," J. P. Ostriker & L. Ciotti, Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 363, 667 (2005). 292. "The current status of observational cosmology," J.P. Ostriker & T. Souradeep, PRAMANA Journal of Physics, 63, 817-828 (2004). 293. "A Simple Model for the Evolution of Disc Galaxies: The Milky Way," T. Naab & J.P. Ostriker, (Astro-ph/0505594), Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 366, 899 (2006). 294. "Characterizing the Cluster Lens Population," J. F. Hennawi, N. Dalal, P. Bode & J.P. Ostriker, (Astro-ph/0506171), Astrophysical Journal, 654, 714-730 (2007). 295. "Testing a new analytic model for gravitational lensing probabilities," S. Das & J.P. Ostriker, (Astro-ph/0512644), Astrophysical Journal, 645, 1 (2006). 296. "Where Are the Baryons? II: Feedback Effects," R. Cen & J.P. Ostriker, (Astro-ph/0601008), Astrophysical Journal,650, 560 (2006). 297. "The History of Cosmological Star Formation: Three Independent Approaches and a Critical Test Using the Extragalactic Background Light," K. Nagamine, J.P. Ostriker, M. Fukugita & R Cen, (Astro-ph/0603257), Astrophysical Journal, 653, 881 (2006). 298. "The Non-Parametric Model for Linking Galaxy Luminosity with Halo/Subhalo Mass," A. Vale, & J.P. Ostriker, (Astro-ph/0511816), Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 371, 1173(2006). 299. "Growth of Structure Seeded by Primordial Black Holes," K.J. Mack, J.P. Ostriker & M. Ricotti, Astrophysical Journal, 665, 1277 (2007). 300. "Cosmological Constraints from the SDSS Luminous Red Galaxies," M. Tegmark, D. Eisenstein, M. Strauss, et al. (including J.P. Ostriker), (Astro-ph/0608632), Physical Review D, 7413507T(2006). 301. "Statistics of Physical Properties of Dark Matter Clusters," L. D. Shaw, J. Weller, J.P. Ostriker & P. Bode, Astrophysical Journal, 646, 815 (2006). 302. "Accurate Realizations of the Ionized Gas in Galaxy Clusters: Calibrating Feedback," P. Bode, J.P. Ostriker, J. Weller & L. Shaw, (Astro-ph/0612663) Astrophysical Journal, 663, 139 (2007). 303. "Radiative feedback from massive black holes in elliptical galaxies. AGN flaring and central starburst fueled by recycled gas," L. Ciotti & J.P. Ostriker, (Astro-ph/0703057), Astrophysical Journal, 665, 1038 (2007). 304. "The Bound Mass of Substructures in Dark Matter Halos," L.D. Shaw, J. Weller, J.P. Ostriker & P. Bode, Astrophysical Journal, 659, 1082-1095 (2007). 305. "The Fifth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey," J.K. Adelman-McCarthy, M.A. Agüeros et al. (including J.P. Ostriker and SDSS collaborators), Astrophysical Journal Supplement, 172, 634 (2007). 306. “Cosmological Shock Waves in the Large-Scale Structure of the Universe: Nongravitational Effects,” Kang, Hyesung; Ryu, Dongsu; Cen, Renyue; Ostriker, J. P. , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 669, Issue 2, pp. 729-740 (11/2007) 307. “A non-parametric model for linking galaxy luminosity with halo/subhalo mass: are brightest cluster galaxies special?,” Vale, A.; Ostriker, J. P., Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 383, Issue 1, pp. 355-368. (MNRAS Homepage) (01/2008) 308. “Genus Topology of Structure in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: Model Testing,” Gott, J. Richard, III; Hambrick, D. Clay; Vogeley, Michael S.; Kim, Juhan; Park, Changbom; Choi, Yun-Young; Cen, Renyue; Ostriker, Jeremiah P.; Nagamine, Kentaro, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 675, Issue 1, pp. 16-28. (03/2008) 309. “Dynamics of Rotating Accretion Flows Irradiated by a Quasar,” Proga, Daniel; Ostriker, Jeremiah P.; Kurosawa, Ryuichi, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 676, Issue 1, pp. 101-112. (03/2008) 310. “The Effect of Baryon Cooling on the Statistics of Giant Arcs and Multiple Quasars,” Wambsganss, Joachim; Ostriker, Jeremiah P.; Bode, Paul, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 676, Issue 2, pp. 753-760. (04/2008) 311. “Adding Environmental Gas Physics to the Semianalytic Method for Galaxy Formation: Gravitational Heating,” Khochfar, Sadegh; Ostriker, Jeremiah P., The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 680, Issue 1, pp. 54-69 (06/2008) 312. “Effect of Primordial Black Holes on the Cosmic Microwave Background and Cosmological Parameter Estimates,” Ricotti, Massimo; Ostriker, Jeremiah P.; Mack, Katherine J., The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 680, Issue 2, pp. 829-845. (06/2008) 313. “Thermal Balance in the Intracluster Medium: Is AGN Feedback Necessary?,” Conroy, Charlie; Ostriker, Jeremiah P., The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 681, Issue 1, pp. 151-166 (07/2008) 314. “Are Disk Galaxies the Progenitors of Giant Ellipticals?,” Naab, Thorsten; Ostriker, Jeremiah P., The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 690, Issue 2, pp. 1452-1462 (01/2009). 315. “Global Compton Heating and Cooling in Hot Accretion Flows,” Yuan, Feng; Xie, Fuguo; Ostriker, Jeremiah P., The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 691, Issue 1, pp. 98-104 (01/2009) 316. “Gravitational Heating Helps Make Massive Galaxies Red and Dead,” Johansson, Peter H.; Naab, Thorsten; Ostriker, Jeremiah P., The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 697, Issue 1, pp. L38-L43 (05/2009). 317. “The Seventh Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey,” Abazajian, Kevork N.; Adelman-McCarthy, Jennifer K.; Agüeros, Marcel A.; Allam, Sahar S.; Allende Prieto, Carlos; An, Deokkeun; Anderson, Kurt S. J.; Anderson, Scott F.; Annis, James; Bahcall, Neta A.; Bailer-Jones, C. A. L.; Barentine, J. C.; Bassett, Bruce A.; Becker, Andrew C.; Beers, Timothy C.; Bell, Eric F.; Belokurov, Vasily; Berlind, Andreas A.; Berman, Eileen F.; Bernardi, Mariangela; Bickerton, Steven J.; Bizyaev, Dmitry; Blakeslee, John P.; Blanton, Michael R.; Bochanski, John J.; Boroski, William N.; Brewington, Howard J.; Brinchmann, Jarle; Brinkmann, J.; Brunner, Robert J.; Budavári, Tamás; Carey, Larry N.; Carliles, Samuel; Carr, Michael A.; Castander, Francisco J.; Cinabro, David; Connolly, A. J.; Csabai, István; Cunha, Carlos E.; Czarapata, Paul C.; Davenport, James R. A.; de Haas, Ernst; Dilday, Ben; Doi, Mamoru; Eisenstein, Daniel J.; Evans, Michael L.; Evans, N. W.; Fan, Xiaohui; Friedman, Scott D.; Frieman, Joshua A.; Fukugita, Masataka; Gänsicke, Boris T.; Gates, Evalyn; Gillespie, Bruce; Gilmore, G.; Gonzalez, Belinda; Gonzalez, Carlos F.; Grebel, Eva K.; Gunn, James E.; Györy, Zsuzsanna; Hall, Patrick B.; Harding, Paul; Harris, Frederick H.; Harvanek, Michael; Hawley, Suzanne L.; Hayes, Jeffrey J. E.; Heckman, Timothy M.; Hendry, John S.; Hennessy, Gregory S.; Hindsley, Robert B.; Hoblitt, J.; Hogan, Craig J.; Hogg, David W.; Holtzman, Jon A.; Hyde, Joseph B.; Ichikawa, Shin-ichi; Ichikawa, Takashi; Im, Myungshin; Ivezić, Željko; Jester, Sebastian; Jiang, Linhua; Johnson, Jennifer A.; Jorgensen, Anders M.; Jurić, Mario; Kent, Stephen M.; Kessler, R.; Kleinman, S. J.; Knapp, G. R.; Konishi, Kohki; Kron, Richard G.; Krzesinski, Jurek; Kuropatkin, Nikolay; Lampeitl, Hubert; Lebedeva, Svetlana; Lee, Myung Gyoon; Lee, Young Sun; French Leger, R.; Lépine, Sébastien; Li, Nolan; Lima, Marcos; Lin, Huan; Long, Daniel C.; Loomis, Craig P.; Loveday, Jon; Lupton, Robert H.; Magnier, Eugene; Malanushenko, Olena; Malanushenko, Viktor; Mandelbaum, Rachel; Margon, Bruce; Marriner, John P.; Martínez-Delgado, David; Matsubara, Takahiko; McGehee, Peregrine M.; McKay, Timothy A.; Meiksin, Avery; Morrison, Heather L.; Mullally, Fergal; Munn, Jeffrey A.; Murphy, Tara; Nash, Thomas; Nebot, Ada; Neilsen, Eric H., Jr.; Newberg, Heidi Jo; Newman, Peter R.; Nichol, Robert C.; Nicinski, Tom; Nieto-Santisteban, Maria; Nitta, Atsuko; Okamura, Sadanori; Oravetz, Daniel J.; Ostriker, Jeremiah P.; Owen, Russell; Padmanabhan, Nikhil; Pan, Kaike; Park, Changbom; Pauls, George; Peoples, John, Jr.; Percival, Will J.; Pier, Jeffrey R.; Pope, Adrian C.; Pourbaix, Dimitri; Price, Paul A.; Purger, Norbert; Quinn, Thomas; Raddick, M. Jordan; Re Fiorentin, Paola; Richards, Gordon T.; Richmond, Michael W.; Riess, Adam G.; Rix, Hans-Walter; Rockosi, Constance M.; Sako, Masao; Schlegel, David J.; Schneider, Donald P.; Scholz, Ralf-Dieter; Schreiber, Matthias R.; Schwope, Axel D.; Seljak, Uroš; Sesar, Branimir; Sheldon, Erin; Shimasaku, Kazu; Sibley, Valena C.; Simmons, A. E.; Sivarani, Thirupathi; Allyn Smith, J.; Smith, Martin C.; Smolčić, Vernesa; Snedden, Stephanie A.; Stebbins, Albert; Steinmetz, Matthias; Stoughton, Chris; Strauss, Michael A.; SubbaRao, Mark; Suto, Yasushi; Szalay, Alexander S.; Szapudi, István; Szkody, Paula; Tanaka, Masayuki; Tegmark, Max; Teodoro, Luis F. A.; Thakar, Aniruddha R.; Tremonti, Christy A.; Tucker, Douglas L.; Uomoto, Alan; Vanden Berk, Daniel E.; Vandenberg, Jan; Vidrih, S.; Vogeley, Michael S.; Voges, Wolfgang; Vogt, Nicole P.; Wadadekar, Yogesh; Watters, Shannon; Weinberg, David H.; West, Andrew A.; White, Simon D. M.; Wilhite, Brian C.; Wonders, Alainna C.; Yanny, Brian; Yocum, D. R.; York, Donald G.; Zehavi, Idit; Zibetti, Stefano; Zucker, Daniel B., The Astrophysical Journal Supplement, Volume 182, Issue 2, article id. 543-558 (06/2009). 318 “Feedback from Central Black Holes in Elliptical Galaxies. I. Models with Either 319. “Minor Mergers and the Size Evolution of Elliptical Galaxies,” Naab, Thorsten; Johansson, Peter H.;Ostriker, Jeremiah P., The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 699, Issue 2, pp. L178-L182 (2009). 320. “Exploring the Energetics of Intracluster Gas with a Simple and Accurate 321. “The Effects of the Ionizing Radiation Background on Galaxy Evolution,” |
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