Astrodust+PAH Model Output: Data files providing model output (extinction, scattering, polarized extinction, emission, polarized emission, and spinning dust emission) integrated over a fiducial size distribution. Currently, only the size distribution from Hensley & Draine 2023 is available, corresponding to a high latitude line of sight in the Milky Way with RV = 3.1.
Please cite Hensley & Draine 2023 if using these data. Please also consider citing the paper where the astrodust dielectric function was derived (Draine & Hensley 2021a) and the paper deriving the observational constraints used to calibrate the model
(Hensley & Draine 2021).
Infrared Emission from the silicate-graphite-PAH model for interstellar dust (Draine & Li 2007)
Synthetic infrared emission spectra (1cm > lambda > 1 micron)
calculated for
silicate-graphite-PAH dust models, for various dust mixtures,
and for a wide range of starlight intensities.
The starlight is assumed to have the spectrum estimated by
Mathis, Mezger & Panagia (1983).
Dust models include size distributions that reproduce
the average Milky Way extinction curve with R_V=3.1
LMC 2 extinction curve
SMC Bar extinction curve
Spectra convolved with IRAS, COBE-DIRBE,
Spitzer (IRAC, MIPS, IRS Peak-Up),
Akari (IRC, FIS),, and Herschel (PACS, SPIRE)
photometric bands.
Extinction, Absorption, and Albedo as a function of wavelength for
a mixture of carbonaceous (PAH and graphitic)
and silicate grains with R_V = 3.1 extinction law
[Weingartner & Draine 2001, Astrophys. J., 548, 296-309
Li & Draine 2001, Astrophys. J., 554, 778-802
Draine & Li 2007, Astrophys. J., 657, 000-000