Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
BlockLinked list of Pars that belong together
Cons1DSConserved variables in 1D (does not contain Bx)
ConsSConserved variables
DomainSInformation about one region of Mesh at some particular level
FConsSDefine structure for variables used in FARGO algorithm
GPCoupleGrid elements for gas-particle coupling
Grain_PropertyList of physical grain properties
GrainAuxAuxilary quantities for a dust particle
GrainSBasic quantities for one pseudo-particle
GridOvrlpSContains information about Grid overlaps, used for SMR
GridS3D arrays of dependent variables, plus grid data, plus particle data, plus data about child and parent Grids, plus MPI rank information for a Grid
GridsDataSNumber of zones in, and identifying information about, a Grid
Int3VectGeneral 3-vectors of ints
MeshSInformation about entire mesh hierarchy, including array of Domains
MGridHolds RHS, potential, and information about grid size for a given level in the multi-grid hierarchy
OutputSEverything for outputs
ParHolds a single name=valuecomment tuple as a linked list
Prim1DSPrimitive variables in 1D (does not contain Bx)
PrimSPrimitive variables
Real3VectGeneral 3-vectors of Reals
RemapDefine structure which holds variables remapped by shearing sheet BCs
RGBStructure typedef containing RGB color tables
SideSSides of a cube, used to find overlaps between Grids at different levels
ViscFluxSStructure to contain 4-components of the viscous fluxes