The MCP's Commands

The following is a listing of the commands that the the MCP understands; it's the result of connecting to the MCP and saying cmdShow (and then sorting the result). The columns are:
The command, as sent to the MCP by the TCC, mcpPut, or the > prompt from the MCP menu.
The name of the MCP's C function.
The number of arguments that the command expects
The command expects a variable number of arguments (the corresponding Narg is 0)
You need the semCmdPort semaphore to issue this command.
This command is echoed to murmur and to the mcpCmd-<mjd>.dat file. You can force all commands to be logged with the LOG.ALL 1.
Name                 Function                  Narg Vararg Restrict Take? Murmur

+MOVE                plus_move_cmd              0    1      1        0     1
AB.STATUS            abstatus_cmd               2    0      0        0     1
ALT                  alt_cmd                    0    0      0        0     0
AMP.RESET            amp_reset_cmd              0    0      1        0     1
AXIS.STATUS          axis_status_cmd            0    0      0        0     0
AZ                   az_cmd                     0    0      0        0     0
AZ.BARCODE           az_barcode_cmd             1    0      0        0     1
BRAKE.OFF            brakeoff_cmd               0    0      1        0     1
BRAKE.ON             brakeon_cmd                0    0      1        0     1
BUMP.CLEAR           bump_clear_cmd             0    0      1        0     1
CLAMP.OFF            clampoff_cmd               0    0      1        0     1
CLAMP.ON             clampon_cmd                0    0      1        0     1
CORRECT              correct_cmd                0    0      1        0     1
CW.STATUS            cwstatus_cmd               0    0      0        0     1
CWABORT              cwabort_cmd                0    0      1        0     1
CWINST               cwinst_cmd                 1    0      1        0     1
CWMOV                cwmov_cmd                  2    0      1        0     1
DRIFT                drift_cmd                  0    0      1        1     1
FF.OFF               ffloff_cmd                 0    0      0        0     1
FF.ON                fflon_cmd                  0    0      0        0     1
FF.STATUS            ffstatus_cmd               0    0      0        0     1
FFL.OFF              ffloff_cmd                 0    0      0        0     1
FFL.ON               fflon_cmd                  0    0      0        0     1
FFS.CLOSE            ffsclose_cmd               0    0      0        0     1
FFS.OPEN             ffsopen_cmd                0    1      0        0     1
FFS.SELECT           ffsselect_cmd              1    0      0        0     1
GOTO.POS.VA          goto_pos_va_cmd            3    0      1        1     1
HALT                 hold_cmd                   0    0      1        0     1
HGCD.OFF             hgcdoff_cmd                0    0      0        0     1
HGCD.ON              hgcdon_cmd                 0    0      0        0     1
HOLD                 hold_cmd                   0    0      1        0     1
IACK                 iack_cmd                   0    0      0        0     1
ID                   id_cmd                     0    0      0        0     1
INIT                 init_cmd                   0    0      0        1     1
IR                   rot_cmd                    0    0      0        0     0
LOG.ALL              log_all_cmd                1    0      0        0     0
LOG.BUFSIZE          log_bufsize_cmd            1    0      0        0     1
LOG.FLUSH            log_flush_cmd              0    0      0        0     0
MC.MAXACC            mc_maxacc_cmd              0    0      0        0     1
MC.MAXVEL            mc_maxvel_cmd              0    0      0        0     1
MIN.ENCODER.MISMATCH min_encoder_mismatch_cmd   1    0      1        0     1
MOVE                 move_cmd                   0    1      1        1     1
MS.MAP.DUMP          ms_map_dump_cmd            0    0      0        0     1
MS.MAP.LOAD          ms_map_load_cmd            0    0      1        0     1
MS.MAX               ms_max_cmd                 1    0      1        0     1
MS.OFF               ms_off_cmd                 0    1      1        0     1
MS.ON                ms_on_cmd                  0    0      1        0     1
MS.READ              ms_read_cmd                1    0      1        0     1
MS.SET               ms_set_axis_pos_cmd        0    0      1        0     1
MS.WRITE             ms_write_cmd               1    0      1        0     1
NE.OFF               neoff_cmd                  0    0      0        0     1
NE.ON                neon_cmd                   0    0      0        0     1
ROT                  rot_cmd                    0    0      0        0     0
SEM.GIVE             sem_give_cmd               0    1      0        0     0
SEM.STEAL            sem_steal_cmd              0    0      0        0     1
SEM.TAKE             sem_take_cmd               0    0      0        0     0
SET.FIDUCIAL         ms_set_axis_pos_cmd        0    0      1        0     1
SET.MONITOR          set_monitor_cmd            1    0      1        0     1
SET.POS.VA           goto_pos_va_cmd            3    0      1        1     1
SET.POSITION         set_pos_cmd                1    0      1        0     1
SET.SCALE            set_scale_cmd              1    0      1        0     1
SET.TIME             set_time_cmd               0    1      0        0     1
SET.VELOCITY         set_vel_cmd                1    0      1        0     1
SLIT.STATUS          slitstatus_cmd             0    0      0        0     1
SLITDOOR.CLEAR       slitdoor_clear_cmd         0    0      0        0     1
SLITDOOR.CLOSE       slitdoor_close_cmd         0    0      0        0     1
SLITDOOR.OPEN        slitdoor_open_cmd          0    0      0        0     1
SLITHEADLATCH.CLOSE  slithead_latch_close_cmd   0    0      0        0     1
SLITHEADLATCH.EXT    slithead_latch_open_cmd    0    0      0        0     1
SLITHEADLATCH.OPEN   slithead_latch_open_cmd    0    0      0        0     1
SLITHEADLATCH.RET    slithead_latch_close_cmd   0    0      0        0     1
SP1                  sp1_cmd                    0    0      0        0     0
SP2                  sp2_cmd                    0    0      0        0     0
STATS                stats_cmd                  0    0      0        0     1
STATUS               status_cmd                 0    0      0        0     1
STATUS.LONG          status_long_cmd            0    0      0        0     1
STOP                 stop_cmd                   0    0      1        0     1
SYS.RESET            sys_reset_cmd              1    0      0        0     1
SYSTEM.STATUS        system_status_cmd          0    0      0        0     0
TBAR.LATCH           tbar_latch_cmd             1    0      1        0     1
TEL1                 az_cmd                     0    0      0        0     0
TEL2                 alt_cmd                    0    0      0        0     0
TICKLOST @ .         ticklost_cmd               0    0      0        0     1
TIME?                time_cmd                   0    0      0        0     1
UMBILICAL            umbilical_cmd              1    0      0        0     1
UMBILICAL.ABORT      umbilical_abort_cmd        0    0      0        0     1
UMBILICAL.POS        umbilical_pos_cmd          1    0      0        0     1
UMBILICAL.STATUS     umbilical_status_cmd       0    0      0        0     1
VERSION              version_cmd                0    0      0        0     0
N.b. INIT is special. You are not required to have the semaphore to try to issue an INIT as the TCC uses an axis init to take the semaphore. You are required to have the semaphore to actually initialise the axes.