As of VARTOOLS version 1.3 it is possible for users to incorporate their own commands into the program using dynamically loaded libraries. To do this one must create a library of the form $ (or other architecture-dependent extension). The command can then be called from VARTOOLS with a syntax such as: 'vartools -L $PATHTOLIB/$ -$USERCOMMAND ...' where $PATHTOLIB is the full path to the shared object library file which you have created, the -L option loads the file within VARTOOLS, and the -$USERCOMMAND statement tells VARTOOLS to execute the command on the light curve (generally one should create the library such that $LIBNAME=$USERCOMMAND). Note, if the library is installed by the 'make install' process into the directory DATAROOTDIR/vartools/userlibs as set by 'configure', and if you have set $LIBNAME=$USERCOMMAND, then it is not necessary to explicitly load it with the '-L $PATHTOLIB/$', you can instead simply execute 'vartools -$USERCOMMAND ...' and the library will be automatically loaded. You can find examples of user libraries under the src subdirectory. The simplest example, which illustrates the Application Programming Interface (API) is, together with its source code magadd.h and magadd.c. A user created command consists of two components: a light curve processing algorithm, which can be written in any language callable from c, and a wrapper to this algorithm, written in c, which interfaces the command with VARTOOLS. This ReadME focuses on how to create the wrapper. We leave implementation of the processing algorithm up to the user. We also assume familiarity with the C programming syntax, any basic C tutorial on the web should be sufficient. In particular you will need to be familiar with the use of pointers in C to understand this ReadME, and to write the wrapper. Structure of Wrapper: --------------------- While not strictly necessary, the user may wish to create two files for the wrapper: $LIBNAME.c and $LIBNAME.h. The former will store the functions required by VARTOOLS to interface with the command, the latter will define a data-structure needed to pass data to the command (see for example "src/magadd.h"). At the top of $LIBNAME.c you should include the vartools library header file using a statement like 'include "../../vartools.h"' where you would want to adjust the path to vartools.h as appropriate. You will also need to link to the libvartools.a library when you build your library. There are 5 specially named functions which the wrapper must provide in order for VARTOOLS to call this command. These are: void $LIBNAME_Initialize(char *commandname, int *RequireReadAll, size_t *sizeuserdata); int $LIBNAME_ParseCL(ProgramData *p, Command *c, void *userdata, int *iret, char **argv, int argc); void $LIBNAME_ShowSyntax(FILE *outfile); void $LIBNAME_ShowHelp(FILE *outfile); void $LIBNAME_RunCommand(ProgramData *p, void *userdata, int lc_name-num, int lc_num); Note that in all cases $LIBNAME above must be the same as in the name of the library file $ We discuss each of these functions in turn. 1. $LIBNAME_Initialize: This function is called immediately by VARTOOLS when the user loads the library with the -L option. This function tells VARTOOLS three things about the command, the first is the command name, which is returned in the input character array commandname, the second is whether the command requires all light curves to be read-in at once, or if it can process light curves sequentially (returned in the variable RequireReadAll), and the third is the amount of memory required by the user's data structure, which can be determined with the sizeof(***) macro. Note that the command name must have less than 256 characters. See the function magadd_Initialize in the file src/magadd.c for an example of how to implement this function. 2. $LIBNAME_ParseCL: This function is called whenever VARTOOLS finds that the user has issued the commandname on the command-line. For example, if the user executes: "vartools -i EXAMPLES/3 -L USERLIBS/src/ -magadd 5", VARTOOLS will call magadd_ParseCL when it comes across "-magadd" while parsing the command-line. This function is responsible for 3 things: 1. It checks that the user has issued a valid command syntax, returning 0 if the syntax is valid, or 1 if it is not. 2. It parses the command-line to read any optional or required parameters into appropriate variables. 3. It registers data vectors or matrices with VARTOOLS (these are variables which hold data calculated by the command for each light curve, parameters which should be read-in from the input list file or another source (a previously issued command, fixed on the command-line), or additional data to be read-in from the light curve) and also tells VARTOOLS which data will be printed on the output ascii table. The function takes the following input variables: ProgramData *p - A pointer to a structure containing general program data. Although the user can do whatever s/he wishes with the data in this structure, in most cases this variable is only passed to other functions from the VARTOOLS API (like RegisterDataVector) and is not used directly by the user. Command *c - A pointer to a generic container for this command. As with p, this is typically only needed by other functions that might be called here (RegisterDataVector). void *userdata - Pointer to the structure storing data for this command. This should be cast to the appropriate type and the data there-in should be modified as needed by the ParseCL function. In the magadd example, userdata corresponds to the _Magadd structure which stores the values to be added to the light curves. int *iret - Command-line argument index. Initially argv[*iret] is the command-line argument storing the command name. On return this should be set to the index of the last argument parsed by this function. Note that if you only use VARTOOLS API functions to parse the command-line, then this will be handled automatically. In the magadd example, if the user issues the command "-magadd fix 5.", the return value of iret should be equal to its input value + 2. char **argv - Array of command-line arguments. If i is equal to the value of *iret on input, argv[i] is the name of the command. int argc - The total number of command-line arguments in the argv array (including 0). In general it is the user's responsibility to check that i < argc before attempting to parse argv[i], failure to do so may lead to segmentation violations. If you only use VARTOOLS API functions to parse the command-line, then these checks will be done automatically. See the function magadd_ParseCL in the file src/magadd.c for an example of how to implement this function. Note that the following API functions, described below, may be useful for this function: VARTOOLS_ParseParameter - Fairly general function for parsing a labelled parameter from the command-line. VARTOOLS_ParseConstantParameter - Parses an expression of the form keyword value [value2 value3 ... valueNvec] VARTOOLS_ParseOutNameKeyword - Parses an expression of the form keyword outdir ["nameformat" format] VARTOOLS_ParseFixSpecFixcolumn - Parses an expression of the form <"fix" value | "list" ["column" col] | "fixcolumn" | "expr" expression> VARTOOLS_RegisterDataVector - registers a data vector, see the section below on registering data vectors. 3. $LIBNAME_ShowSyntax: This function is called whenever VARTOOLS needs to show the syntax of the command to the user. This takes as input a single parameter of the form FILE *outfile. The user should use fprintf to output the syntax to this file. See magadd_ShowSyntax in the file src/magadd.c for an example of how to implement this function. 4. $LIBNAME_ShowHelp: This function is called whenever the user requests detailed help about the command. Like $LIBNAME_ShowSyntax, this takes one argument: FILE *outfile. Use fprintf to output a verbose description of the command to outfile. See magadd_ShowHelp in the file src/magadd.c for an example of how to implement this function. 5. $LIBNAME_RunCommand: Run the command on one or more light curves. This function takes the data from VARTOOLS and runs the light curve processing algorithm on the light curve(s). This function takes the following input parameters: ProgramData *p - pointer to a structure containing various general program data (in particular, the light curves, and times and magnitude uncertainties are accessed through this structure). void *userdata - pointer to the structure containing the command specific data (including control parameters and vectors to store output results). This should be cast to the appropriate data type before using. For example, in magadd.c this is cast to type (_Magadd *). int lc_name_num - this is the index to use to access the light curve name. This will be -1 if the command is expected to process all light curves (this will happen if you have the $LIBNAME_Initialize function set *RequireReadAll = 1;) int lc_num - this is the index to use to access the light curve and data from Registered vectors. This will be -1 if the command is expected to process all light curves (this will happen if you have the $LIBNAME_Initialize function set *RequireReadAll = 1;) This function could either execute the processing algorithm directly, or you might prefer to have it simply translate the data structures and arrays received from VARTOOLS into a more convenient form, and then pass that data to a separate function to execute the algorithm. Some particular variables that you might wish to access, if (lc_num >= 0 and lc_name_num >= 0): p->NJD[lc_num] --- The number of points in the current light curve. This is of type (int). p->t[lc_num] --- An array containing the times of observation in the current light curve. This is of type (double *). p->mag[lc_num] --- An array containing the magnitude values in the current light curve. This is of type (double *). p->sig[lc_num] --- An array containing the magnitude uncertainty values in the current light curve. This is of type (double *). p->lcnames[lc_name_num] --- The name of the current light curve. This is of type (char *). If lc_num < 0 (the command is expected to process all of the light curves simultaneously, which happens if and only if you set RequireReadAll = 1 in the Initialize function), then you would want to use: p->Nlcs --- The number of light curves to process. p->NJD[i] --- The number of points in light curve i, i ranges from 0 to p->Nlcs - 1. p->t[i][j] --- Time j in light curve i. i ranges from 0 to p->Nlcs - 1 and j from 0 to p->NJD[i]-1. p->mag[i][j] --- ditto, for the magnitude. p->sig[i][j] --- ditto, for the light curve uncertainty. p->lcnames[i] --- The name of light curve i. NOTE: DO NOT USE STATIC OR GLOBAL VARIABLES. If the user uses the -parallel option, this function, as well as other functions called by it, will be executed in parallel on several light curves. If you use a static or global variable, changes to it made in one thread will be seen by all other threads, generally giving unpredictable and undesired behavior. Registering Data Vectors: ------------------------- Variables used to store light curve specific data should be registered with VARTOOLS. This will ensure that memory is properly allocated to store the data, that the data will be read-in from the correct source, and that computed results will be included in the output ascii table. The primary function which accomplishes this is VARTOOLS_RegisterDataVector. Calls to this function should be made from within $LIBNAME_ParseCL. Some functions provided by the VARTOOLS API for parsing parameters from the command-line will also internally register these vectors. In general, variables registered with VARTOOLS should be declared within your user command structure. void VARTOOLS_RegisterDataVector(ProgramData *p, Command *c, void *dataptr, int datatype, int Ncolumns, int source, int output, char *outname, ...) Use this function to register data for a user command. The data is a vector, or 2-d array, for which each row corresponds to a different light curve, or to a different observation within a light curve. In general, data which holds input or output parameters which are light curve dependent, or which are read-in from the light curves, should be registered with this function. The program will take care of allocating memory for registered vectors, and will align the vector with its appropriate data-source if necessary (input list, a previously executed command, or a light curve) p = pointer to the main ProgramData structure. c = pointer to the command structure for the given user command. dataptr = pointer to array storing the data. For example, if the user wishes to register a vector of doubles, they should define it as a pointer (e.g. double* mydoubles) and then pass a pointer to it to this function (&mydoubles). datatype = VARTOOLS_TYPE_DOUBLE, VARTOOLS_TYPE_INT, VARTOOLS_TYPE_SHORT, VARTOOLS_TYPE_FLOAT, VARTOOLS_TYPE_LONG, VARTOOLS_TYPE_CHAR, VARTOOLS_TYPE_STRING, VARTOOLS_TYPE_USERDEF. Ncolumns = Number of columns in the array. If this is 0 and the source is not VARTOOLS_SOURCE_LC, then dataptr is a pointer to a vector (e.g. double **), if it is > 0 then it is a pointer to an array (e.g. double ***). If the source is VARTOOLS_SOURCE_LC, then if this is 0 it is a pointer to an array (e.g. it should be type double ***), if it is > 0 or < 0 it is a pointer to a 3-d array (e.g. type double ****). For VARTOOLS_SOURCE_LC, Nc=0 implies that the array will be indexed as (*dataptr)[Nthread][NJD]. Nc > 0 means it is indexed as (*dataptr)[Nthread][Nc][NJD]. Nc < 0 means it is indexed as (*dataptr)[Nthread][NJD][Nc]. source = VARTOOLS_SOURCE_INLIST -- data to be read in from an input list. VARTOOLS_SOURCE_COMPUTED -- data that will be computed by the command. VARTOOLS_SOURCE_FIXED -- data that will be fixed for each light curve (typically read from the command line). VARTOOLS_SOURCE_PRIORCOLUMN -- data to be taken from the output of a previous command. VARTOOLS_SOURCE_LC -- data to be read in as a column from each light curve. VARTOOLS_SOURCE_RECENTCOMMAND -- similar to VARTOOLS_SOURCE_PRIORCOLUMN, in this case the data is to be taken from the most recent instance of a command. This will determine the appropriate column name for the desired parameter. Ncolumns must be <= 0. VARTOOLS_SOURCE_EVALEXPRESSION -- data that will be determined by evaluating an expression. output = 1 if the data should be included in the output ascii table, 0 if it will not be included. Note, if the source is VARTOOLS_SOURCE_LC, then the data will not be included in the ascii table, no matter what output is set equal to. outname = root name of the corresponding column in the output ascii table (can be NULL if output == 0). The name of the library will be added as prefix to the name, and the column number (if Ncolumns >= 1) and command numbers will be appended to the name. ... --- additional variables depend on the source and possibly the type: VARTOOLS_TYPE_USERDEF: In this case the data type is some user-defined structure. The following additional parameters are then given in the function call. Note that this datatype can only be used for VARTOOLS_SOURCE_COMPUTED. size_t sizeusertype - Size of the user-defined data type. void (*initialize_usertype)(int lc_num, void *userdata, void *userdata2) - Optional function to call after allocating memory for this data. lc_num will be the index as in the *_RunCommand functions, userdata is a pointer to the data structure in question, and userdata2 is an optional pointer to additional data used in the initialization procedure. void *userdata2 - An optional pointer to additional data that will be passed to the initialize_usertype function. VARTOOLS_SOURCE_INLIST: const char *name - string giving the name to associate with this input column (used with -inputlistformat option). int colnum - Column number in the input list from which to read this data. (== 0, the program will take the next column in the list, < 0, the data will not be read-in from the list but memory will be allocated for it (this has the same effect as VARTOOLS_SOURCE_COMPUTED)). VARTOOLS_SOURCE_COMPUTED: No additional variables. VARTOOLS_SOURCE_FIXED: void *fixptr - pointer to a variable storing the fixed value to assign. If Ncolumns >= 1, then fixptr should be a pointer to a vector with Ncolumns rows. VARTOOLS_SOURCE_PRIORCOLUMN: char *colname - If Ncolumns <= 0: string giving the name or number of the prior column to associate with this data vector. char **colnames - If Ncolumns >= 1: array of strings giving the name or number of the prior columns to associate with each column in this data array. VARTOOLS_SOURCE_LC: const char *name - string giving the base name to associate with this input column (use with -showinputlcformat option, which is in development). int colnum - Column number in the input light curve from which to read this data. (== 0, the program will take the next column in the light curve, it is not suggested to use this option as the number of the next available column can not easily be determined by the user; < 0, the program will not read-in the data from the light curve, but it will allocate memory to store the data; If Nc > 0, then this specified the column number for the first column in the data array, subsequent columns in the array are assumed to come from sequential columns in the light curve). char *scanformat - A scanf format string to use in reading in the light curve. If it is NULL, then the full input column string will be converted directly to the appropriate data type. If the colnum < 0 (data not read-in from the light curve) and the format is not NULL, then it will be treated as an analytic expression which the vector is to be initialized to. Use this, for example, to initialize a vector to the contents of an existing variable rather than reading it in from the light curve directly. An error will be given if Ncolumns != 0, colnum < 0 and this is not NULL. char *varnameout - For Ncolumns=0, Optionally associate this data with a (possibly new) variable. This creates a variable that the user can use to access this data from subsequent commands. VARTOOLS_SOURCE_RECENTCOMMAND: Note - Ncolumns must be <= 0 for this option. int cnum - the command-type to take data from: Allowed values are: CNUM_BLS -- A -BLS command CNUM_AOV -- A -aov command CNUM_LS -- A -LS command CNUM_HARMAOV -- A -aov_harm command char *paramname - the type of parameter to take the data from. Allowed values depend on cnum. For any cnum you can provide "Period", for CNUM_BLS this can also be "Tc" or "Q". VARTOOLS_SOURCE_EVALEXPRESSION: Note - Ncolumns must be == 0 for this option. char *exprstring - a string with the expression to be parsed. Some common examples of how this might be used: 1. Registering a vector to hold a computed value for each light curve, and to have that value included in the output ASCII table. typedef struct { double *computeddata; } _UserCommand; int UserCommand_ParseCL(ProgramData *p, Command *c, void *userdata, int *iret, char **argv, int argc) { _UserCommand *UserCommand; UserCommand = (_UserCommand *) userdata; ******* Parse the command line ******** VARTOOLS_RegisterDataVector(p, c, (void *) (&UserCommand->computeddata), VARTOOLS_TYPE_DOUBLE, 0, VARTOOLS_SOURCE_COMPUTED, 1, "ComputedData"); ******* Continue parsing the command line ***** } In this case computeddata will store a single double precision value computed for each light curve. Note that because VARTOOLS may have to store values for more than one light curve at a time, computeddata will be an array. We pass a pointer to computeddata, cast as (void *) for the third argument to VARTOOLS_RegisterDataVector. The keyword VARTOOLS_TYPE_DOUBLE (defined in vartools.h) indicates that this vector will hold double-precision data. We give 0 for the fifth argument, to indicate that computedata is a 1-dimensional array. We then use the keyword VARTOOLS_SOURCE_COMPUTED to indicate that that this vector stores computed data (VARTOOLS uses this to determine how much memory to allocate for the data, and whether it will be responsible for filling in the vector with data). The seventh argument is 1 to indicate that we do wish the data stored in this vector to be included in the output ascii table. In the eighth argument we give a string, which VARTOOLS will use in creating the column heading for this data in the output table. 2. Registering a vector to hold a value for each light curve which is read-in from the input list. typedef struct { double *datafromlist; } _UserCommand; int UserCommand_ParseCL(ProgramData *p, Command *c, void *userdata, int *iret, char **argv, int argc) { _UserCommand *UserCommand; UserCommand = (_UserCommand *) userdata; ******* Parse the command line ******** VARTOOLS_RegisterDataVector(p, c, (void *) (&UserCommand->datafromlist), VARTOOLS_TYPE_DOUBLE, 0, VARTOOLS_SOURCE_INLIST, 0, "DataFromInputList", 0); ******* Continue parsing the command line ***** } The syntax in this case is quite similar to the previous case of storing computed data. Here the variable datafromlist will store a single double precision value read-in from the next available column in the input list file (this is indicated by the last 0 given to the RegisterDataVector function; if a non-zero value was used, then the data would be read from that particular column of the list file). If the user gives the "-showinputlistformat" option on the command line, the data to be stored in the datafromlist vector will be labelled "DataFromInputList". 3. Registering data that is to be read-in from each light curve (i.e., an additional column in each light curve file). typedef struct { double **datafromlc; } _UserCommand; int UserCommand_ParseCL(ProgramData *p, Command *c, void *userdata, int *iret, char **argv, int argc) { _UserCommand *UserCommand; int lccolnum; UserCommand = (_UserCommand *) userdata; ******* Parse the command line ******** ******* including determining lccolnum, the column to read **** ******* from the light curve file ***** VARTOOLS_RegisterDataVector(p, c, (void *) (&UserCommand->datafromlist), VARTOOLS_TYPE_DOUBLE, 0, VARTOOLS_SOURCE_LC, 0, "DataFromLightCurve", lccolnum, NULL, NULL); ******* Continue parsing the command line ***** } In this case datafromlc is a matrix indexed by datafromlc[0...Nthread-1][0....Ntime-1], where Nthread is the number of light curves being processed simultaneously (=1 if VARTOOLS is not run in parallel mode), and Ntime is the number of observations in the indexed light curve. If the user gives the "-showinputlcformat" option, this column will include "DataFromLightCurve" in its label. lccolnum is the column to read from the light curve into this array. The first of the two NULLs is used to indicate that VARTOOLS should just convert the entire column into a double without any special scanf parsing. The last NULL indicates that we will not be associating a variable name with this data for the user to access it outside of this command. Compiling the wrapper: ---------------------- You will need to compile and link the code implementing your command into a dynamically callable shared object library. The method for compiling a shared object library is, unfortunately, highly dependent on system architecture. In an attempt to hide the architecture-dependent details from users VARTOOLS uses the GNU libtools program together with its associated library for creating and loading these libraries. To follow this method for creating the library you will need to have installed the GNU autobuild utilities including: aclocal, autoconf, autoheader automake and libtool (on a Ubuntu linux system you can install these via 'sudo apt-get install libtool automake autoconf autotools-dev' on Mac OS X you can get these via 'brew install libtool automake autoconf' assuming you're using the homebrew package manager). Edit the file USERLIBS/src/ If the source for your library consists only of the c file $LIBNAME.c and $LIBNAME.h, and you do not need to link to external libraries (other than libvartools), you can simply add '$' to the list of libraries following 'userlibs_LTLIBRARIES =' and then add the lines $LIBNAME_la_SOURCES = $LIBNAME.c $LIBNAME.h $LIBNAME_la_LIBADD = $(abs_top_srcdir)/src/ $LIBNAME_la_LDFLAGS = -module to the end of the file. Note that you should substitute $LIBNAME above with the name of your library, but $(abs_top_srcdir) should be written exactly as is. For more complicated examples (including compiling a fortran library) you can follow the example of jktebop (and associated libjktebop), fastchi2, or macula (and associated libmacula) in After editing you will need to re-run the autobuild utilities to create a new file which will be used by configure. You can do this by running ./ from the base directory. Assuming all goes well, you can then run './configure' and 'make' as usual from the base directory. If you don't want to use the autobuild system (which admittedly, can be very frustrating to get to work), you can also compile the shared library manually, and then create the .la wrapper for it. To do this on a linux system with gcc, you would do: gcc -fPIC -c $LIBNAME.c gcc -fPIC -c $OTHERFILE.c gcc -shared -Wl,-soname,$ \ -o $ $LIBNAME.o $OTHERFILE.o \ -L ../.. -lvartools ln -sf $ $ where $OTHERFILE stands for any additional source files that are part of your command, and ../.. should be changed to the relative PATH to the libvartools.a file. If some of your command is implemented in FORTRAN on linux you would use gfortran (or g77) to invoke the linker. On a Mac you would do gcc -fPIC -c $LIBNAME.c gcc -fPIC -c $OTHERFILE.c gcc -dynamiclib -o $LIBNAME.dylib $LIBNAME.o $OTHERFILE.o \ -L ../.. -lvartools On either system you should then do cp $ edit the file $ and change instances of magadd to $LIBNAME. You would also want to set the dlname to $ (rather than, for example, $ The commands for compiling would differ on a Mac or Windows system. API --- The following functions are included in the libvartools.a library and can be called from your command: 1. Functions related to parsing the command line, registering data vectors, getting filenames: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int VARTOOLS_ParseParameter(ProgramData *p, Command *c, int *iret, char **argv, int argc, const char *keyword, int Nvec, ...) /* Use this function to parse a command of the form: "keyword" <"fix" value | "list" ["column" col] | "fixcolumn" | "expr" expression> p - pointer to the ProgramData struct c - pointer to the Command struct associated with this UserCommand iret - pointer to a variable storing the current command line index number. On input this should be the term storing "keyword". This is updated on output. argv - Standard array holding the command-line strings. argc - Number of terms on the CL. keyword - the keyword to check. Nvec - Number of terms to parse .... - For each term to parse, the following additional arguments must be provided: datatype - VARTOOLS_TYPE_DOUBLE, VARTOOLS_TYPE_FLOAT, VARTOOLS_TYPE_INT, VARTOOLS_TYPE_SHORT, VARTOOLS_TYPE_LONG, VARTOOLS_TYPE_STRING, VARTOOLS_TYPE_CHAR dataptr - Pointer to the vector or array that will store the input data. Ncolumns - Number of columns in the array, if it is <= 0 then dataptr is taken to be a vector rather than an array (e.g. dataptr is a pointer to an variable of type double* rather than double**). output - 1 if this data should be included in the output ascii table, 0 if it should not be. name - root name of the data vector for display in the output ascii table and for the input table (if the user gives the \"spec\" keyword on the command line, and issues the -inputlistformat command). The name of the library will be added as prefix to the name, and the column number (if Ncolumns >= 1) and command numbers will be appended to the name. initialize - 1 if the data vector/array should be created and fixed to a default value when the "keyword" is not given on the command-line. 0 if the data vector/array should not be created. defaultval - the default value to initialize the array to. Return values: 0 - command is successfully parsed. 1 - "keyword" is not given, command is not parsed. 2 - "keyword" is given, but the rest of the command is not parsed. */ int VARTOOLS_ParseOutNameKeyword(ProgramData *p, Command *c, int *iret, char **argv, int argc, const char *keyword, int *outputflag, char **outdir, int *formatflag, char **format) /* Use this function to parse a command of the form: "keyword" outdir ["nameformat" format] p - pointer to the ProgramData struct c - pointer to the Command struct associated with this UserCommand iret - pointer to a variable storing the current command line index number. On input this should be the term storing "keyword". This is updated on output. argv - Standard array holding the command-line strings. argc - Number of terms on the CL. keyword - the keyword to check. If this is NULL, then the keyword will not be checked. outputflag - integer flag set to 1 if the command is parsed or 0 if not. outdir - pointer to a char* variable to store the name of the output directory. Memory will be allocated to store the string by this command. This will be returned as NULL if the keyword is not given. formatflag - integer flag set to 1 if the user gave the "nameformat" keyword, or 0 if not. format - pointer to a char* variable to store the format string. Memory will be allocated to store the string by this command. This will be returned as NULL if the keyword is not given. Return values: 0 - command is successfully parsed. 1 - "keyword" is not given, command is not parsed. 2 - "keyword" is given, outdir is not given. Or "nameformat" is given but the output format is not given. */ int VARTOOLS_ParseConstantParameter(ProgramData *p, Command *c, int *iret, char **argv, int argc, const char *keyword, int datatype, void *dataptr, int Ncolumns) /* Use this function to parse a command of the form: "keyword" value [value2 value3 ... valueNvec] or of the form: value [value2 value3 ... valueNvec] p - pointer to the ProgramData struct c - pointer to the Command struct associated with this UserCommand iret - pointer to a variable storing the current command line index number. On input this should be the term storing "keyword" or value if the keyword is not used. This is updated on output. argv - Standard array holding the command-line strings. argc - Number of terms on the CL. keyword - the keyword to check. If this is NULL, then the keyword will not be checked. datatype - VARTOOLS_TYPE_DOUBLE, VARTOOLS_TYPE_FLOAT, VARTOOLS_TYPE_INT, VARTOOLS_TYPE_SHORT, VARTOOLS_TYPE_LONG, VARTOOLS_TYPE_STRING, VARTOOLS_TYPE_CHAR dataptr - Pointer to the variable or vector that will store the input data. If Ncolumns <= 0, you should declare a variable like "double dblval", and then pass &dblval to this function. If Ncolumns > 0, you should declare "double *dblval", and then pass &dblval to this function. Note that memory will be allocated for the vector by this routine if the command is successfully parsed. If it is not parsed, then memory will not be allocated. If the datatype is a string, then memory to store the string will be allocated whether the data is a scalar or a vector. In otherwords, if Ncolumn <= 0, and you are reading a string into a variable stringvar. You would declare stringvar as "char *stringvar;" rather than as "char stringvar[sizestring];", then pass &stringvar to this function for dataptr. If Ncolumn > 0, you would declare stringvar as "char **stringvar", and pass &stringvar to this function for dataptr. Ncolumns - Number of parameters to read in. If it is <= 0 then one parameter is read in, and dataptr is a pointer to a scalar variable. If it is > 0, then Ncolumns terms are read in, and stored in the vector pointed to be dataptr. Return values: 0 - command is successfully parsed. 1 - "keyword" is not given, command is not parsed. 2 - "keyword" is given, but the rest of the command is not parsed successfully. */ int VARTOOLS_ParseFixSpecFixcolumn(ProgramData *p, Command *c, int *iret, char **argv, int argc, int Nvec, ...) /* Use this function to parse a command of the form: <"fix" value | "list" [\"column\" col] | "fixcolumn" | "expr" expression> p - pointer to the ProgramData struct c - pointer to the Command struct associated with this UserCommand iret - pointer to a variable storing the current command line index number. On input this should be the term storing "fix", "list", "fixcolumn", or "expr". This is updated on output. argv - Standard array holding the command-line strings. argc - Number of terms on the CL. Nvec - Number of terms to parse .... - For each term to parse, the following additional arguments must be provided: datatype - VARTOOLS_TYPE_DOUBLE, VARTOOLS_TYPE_FLOAT, VARTOOLS_TYPE_INT, VARTOOLS_TYPE_SHORT, VARTOOLS_TYPE_LONG, VARTOOLS_TYPE_STRING, VARTOOLS_TYPE_CHAR dataptr - Pointer to the vector or array that will store the input data. Ncolumns - Number of columns in the array, if it is <= 0 then dataptr is taken to be a vector rather than an array (e.g. dataptr is a pointer to an variable of type double* rather than double**). output - 1 if this data should be included in the output ascii table, 0 if it should not be. name - root name of the data vector for display in the output ascii table and for the input table (if the user gives the \"spec\" keyword on the command line, and issues the -inputlistformat command). The name of the library will be added as prefix to the name, and the column number (if Ncolumns >= 1) and command numbers will be appended to the name. */ void VARTOOLS_RegisterDataVector(ProgramData *p, Command *c, void *dataptr, int datatype, int Ncolumns, int source, int output, char *outname, ...); /* See the above setion on Registering Data Vectors */ void VARTOOLS_GetOutputFilename(char *lcoutname, char *lcname, char *outdir, char *suffix, char *format, int lc_name_num); /* Determines the name for an output file following the options associated with, for example, the -o vartools command. lcoutname - the output file name to use is returned in this variable. lcname - the input file name. outdir - the base directory to output the file to. suffix - a string which is appended to the end of the file name. format - an optional format string to use in determining the filename. This is parsed following the rules of the "nameformat" option to the vartools -o command. This is ignored if it is NULL. lc_name_num - the light curve number index (needed in case the format contains at %d flag). */ 2. Functions related to model-fitting ------------------------------------- int VARTOOLS_amoeba(double **p, double *y, int *ia, int ndim, double ftol, double (*funk)(double *, int, int, double *, double *, double *, void *), int *nfunk, int maxeval, int N, double *t, double *mag, double *sig, void *userparams); /* This function runs the amoeba downhill simplex algorithm. p - a 2-d array storing the simplex y - a vector storing the chi2 values for each row in the simplex ia - an integer array storing flags that indicate whether or not the parameter is to be varied. The function will allocate memory for the ia array, and update it, for each parameter added. This array will be passed to amoeba. ndim - the number of parameters in the simplex. ftol - the fractional in chi2 to decide when to stop the minimization. funk - a pointer to a function which provides chi2. funk has the expected format: double funk(double *param, int ndim, int N, double *t, double *mag, double *sig, void *userparams) where param is a set of parameter values to calculate chi2 for, and the function should return chi2. The other input parameters to funk are as described below. nfunk - on return, this stores the number of function calls executed by amoeba. maxeval - maximum number of function evaluations to perform before giving up. If this is <= 0 then the default number is used. The following terms are passed directly to funk and not actually used elsewhere within amoeba, they can, but do not have to, take on the context given below: N - number of points in the time series that is being fit. t - times of observation mag - set of observed magnitude values being fit sig - set of magnitude uncertainties userparams - structure containing other user-defined parameters. must be cast to the appropriate type by funk. */ void VARTOOLS_incrementparameters_foramoeba(int *Nparameters, int *Ntovary, double ***p, int **ia, int varyparam, double initialval, double stepval); /* This function sets up the initial simplex for amoeba. This is called once for each parameter that one wishes to include in the simplex. Nparameters - the number of parameters in the simplex before adding the new parameter. On output this will be the number of parameters including the new parameter. Nparameters should be zero on input for the first parameter added to the simplex. Ntovary - the total number of parameters that are free to vary. This is incremented by the function if varyparam == 1. p - pointer to a 2-d array storing the simplex. The function will allocate memory for p, and update it, for each parameter added. This array will then be passed to amoeba. ia - pointer to an integer array storing flags that will indicate whether or not the parameter is to be varied. The function will allocate memory for the ia array, and update it, for each parameter added. This array will be passed to amoeba. varyparam - a flag indicating whether or not the new parameter is to be varied. 1 - yes, 0 - no. initialval - initial value to adopt for the parameter. stepval - initial step-size to use for this parameter in defining the simplex. */ void VARTOOLS_amoeba_cleanup(int *Nparameters, int *Ntovary, double ***p, int **ia) /* Cleans up data allocated by VARTOOLS_incrementparameters_foramoeba */ double VARTOOLS_fitpoly(int N, double *x, double *y, double *sig, int order, int subtractfit, double *fitparams, double *paramerrs); /* This function provides easy access to the docorr and magcorr functions to fit a polynomial of the form y = sum_i=0^i=order{a_i*x^i}. It returns chi2 (or the sum of residuals squared if sig=NULL). N - the number of points in the x and y vectors. x - vector of independent variables. y - vector of dependent variables. sig - optional uncertainty vector. If this is NULL then uniform weighting of points will be assumed. order - order of the polynomial to fit. Must be >= 0. subtractfit - 1 to subtract the best-fit model from y (the contents of the vector y will be modified in this case). 0 to not subtract it. fitparams - The fitted coefficients a_0 through a_N. This must be a vector of size order+1, or it can be NULL (in which case the parameters will not be returned.) paramerrs - The formal uncertainties on the fitted coefficients a_0 through a_N. This must also be a vector of size order+1, or it can be NULL (in which case the parameters will not be returned.) */ void VARTOOLS_mandelagoltransitmodel(int Npoints, double *phase, double *outlc, int type, double *ldcoeffs, double sin_i, double a, double e, double p, double omega); /* Returns a Mandel & Agol transit model evaluated at particular phases. Npoints - the number of points in the light curve to evaluate the model at. phase - vector of phases to evaluate the model at (phase=0, and phase=1 is the time of mid transit). outlc - vector to output the model fractional fluxes to (fractional flux is defined such that 1 = no transit). type - 0 for quadratic limb darkening (2 parameters in ldcoeffs), 1 for non-linear limb-darkening (4 parameters in ldcoeffs). ldcoeffs - array of limb-darkening coefficients. sin_i - sin of the inclination angle of the orbit. sin_i = 1 corresponds to an edge on orbit (with transits), sin_i = 0 corresponds to a face-on orbit (no transits) a - ratio of semi-major axis to star radius. e - eccentricity of the orbit. p - ratio of planet radius to star radius. omega - argument of periastron (in radians) */ void VARTOOLS_integratemandelagoltransitmodel(double exptime_phase, int Npoints, double *phase, double *outlc, int type, double *ldcoeffs, double sin_i, double a, double e, double p, double omega, int Nresamp); /* Returns a Mandel & Agol transit model including integration over exposures exptime_phase - the exposure time to integrate over, in units of phase. Npoints - the number of points in the light curve to evaluate the model at. phase - vector of phases to evaluate the model at (phase=0, and phase=1 is the time of mid transit). outlc - vector to output the model fractional fluxes to (fractional flux is defined such that 1 = no transit). type - 0 for quadratic limb darkening (2 parameters in ldcoeffs), 1 for non-linear limb-darkening (4 parameters in ldcoeffs). ldcoeffs - array of limb-darkening coefficients. sin_i - sin of the inclination angle of the orbit. sin_i = 1 corresponds to an edge on orbit (with transits), sin_i = 0 corresponds to a face-on orbit (no transits) a - ratio of semi-major axis to star radius. e - eccentricity of the orbit. p - ratio of planet radius to star radius. omega - argument of periastron (in radians) Nresamp - Number of points per integration at which to evaluate the M&A model */ 3. Spline Functions ------------------- void VARTOOLS_spline(double *x,double *y,int n,double yp1,double ypn, double *y2,double *u); void VARTOOLS_splint(double *xa,double *ya,double *y2a,int n,double x, double *y); void VARTOOLS_spline_monotonic(int N, double *x, double *y, double *yprime); double VARTOOLS_splint_monotonic(int N, double *x, double *y, double *yprime, double xt); 4. Statistics Functions ----------------------- void VARTOOLS_medianfilter(int N, double *t, double *mag, double *sig, double timesize, int meanflag, int replace); double VARTOOLS_getweightedmean(int n, double *data, double *sig); double VARTOOLS_getmean(int n, double *data); double VARTOOLS_median(int n, double *data); double VARTOOLS_MAD(int n, double *data); double VARTOOLS_stddev(int n, double *data); double VARTOOLS_kurtosis(int n, double *data); double VARTOOLS_skewness(int n, double *data); double VARTOOLS_chi2(int N, double *t, double *mag, double *err, double *weighted_average, int *Ngood); 5. Error reporting ------------------ void VARTOOLS_error(int errflag); void VARTOOLS_error2(int errflag, char *s); 6. Sorting ---------- void VARTOOLS_sort_generic(int N, int isreverse, int *index, int Nms, ...); /* This function can be used to sort one or more data vectors of various types. The syntax is as follows: N - number of datapoints in each of the vectors. isreverse - 0 = sort from low to high. 1 = sort from high to low. index - = An array of integer indices to be provided if we don't want to transpose the data for at least one of the vectors. Set this to NULL if all of the vectors will be transposed. If this is not null, it should initially store the values 0 to N-1 in order. The values of index will then be transposed such that dataN[index[i=0 ... N-1]] will be sorted based on the key. Nms - The number of data vectors. This must be >= 1 or else VARTOOLS will abort with an error. ... - For each data vector provide the additional input arguments given below. Note that the first vector described will be the key used for the sorting. Additional vectors will be re-ordered with the key. int datatype = the datatype for this vector. Allowed values are VARTOOLS_TYPE_DOUBLE, VARTOOLS_TYPE_STRING, VARTOOLS_TYPE_INT, VARTOOLS_TYPE_FLOAT, VARTOOLS_TYPE_LONG, VARTOOLS_TYPE_CHAR, VARTOOLS_TYPE_SHORT, VARTOOLS_TYPE_USERDEF (for an array of user-defined structures). void *dataptr = the data vector (e.g. if the vector is s of type (double *), one would pass (void *)s for this argument). int useindex = 0 - the data in the vector will be transposed. 1 - the data will not be transposed and instead will be indexed. Note that if this is one, then index above cannot be NULL. - If datatype is VARTOOLS_TYPE_STRING the following additional argument is needed. size_t sizeobj = the size of single string element. - If datatype is VARTOOLS_TYPE_USERDEF the following additional two arguments are needed. size_t sizeobj = the size of a single element. int (*comp_func)((void *),(void *)) = a pointer to a function used to compare two elements. This function is of the form used by the qsort function (e.g. strcmp for strings). If this vector is not the key then this can be NULL. */ void VARTOOLS_sortvec_double(int N, double *data1); /* This function sorts the data in vector data1 from low to high */ 7. Other miscellaneous ---------------------- int VARTOOLS_isDifferentPeriods (double period1, double period2, double TimeSpan);