Click on the titles for links to the
(The publications are sorted by year)
"Simultaneous Evolutionary Fits for Jupiter and Saturn Incorporating Fuzzy Cores,"
Ankan Sur, Roberto Tejada Arevalo, Yubo Su, and Adam Burrows,
accepted to Ap.J. (Letters), 2024.
"Channels of Stellar-mass Black Hole Formation,"
Adam Burrows, Tianshu Wang, and David Vartanyan,
submitted to Ap.J., 2024.
"A 3D Simulation of a Type II-P Supernova: from Core Bounce to Beyond Shock Breakout,"
David Vartanyan, Benny Tsang, Daniel Kasen, Adam Burrows, Tianshu Wang, and Lizzy Teryoshin,
submitted to Ap.J., 2024.
"Jupiter Evolutionary Models Incorporating Stably Stratified Regions,"
Roberto Tejada Arevalo, Ankan Sur, Yubo Su, and Adam Burrows,
accepted to Ap.J., 2024.
"Gravitational-Wave and Gravitational-Wave Memory Signatures of Core-Collapse Supernovae,"
Lyla Choi, Adam Burrows, and David Vartanyan,
Ap.J., 975, 12, 2024.
"Insights into the Production of $^{44}$Ti and Nickel Isotopes in Core-Collapse Supernovae,"
Tianshu Wang and Adam Burrows,,
Ap.J., 974, 39, 2024.
"Supernova Explosions of the Lowest-Mass Massive Star Progenitors,"
Tianshu Wang and Adam Burrows,,
Ap.J., 969, 74, 2024.
"APPLE: An Evolution Code for Modeling Giant Planets,"
Ankan Sur, Yubo Su, Roberto Tejada Arevalo, Yi-Xian Chen, and Adam Burrows,,
Ap.J., 971, 104, 2024.
"Physical Correlations and Predictions Emerging from Modern Core-Collapse Supernova Theory,"
Adam Burrows, Tianshu Wang, and David Vartanyan,,
Ap.J. Letters, 964, L16, 2024.
"Nucleosynthetic Analysis of Long-Term Three-Dimensional Core-Collapse Supernova Simulations,"
Tianshu Wang and Adam Burrows,,
Ap.J., 962, 71, 2024.
"A Theory for Neutron and Black Hole Kicks and Induced Spins,"
Adam Burrows, Tianshu Wang, David Vartanyan, and Matthew Coleman,,
Ap.J., 963, 63, 2024.
"Equations of State, Thermodynamics, and Miscibility Curves for
Jovian Planet and Giant Exoplanet Evolutionary Models,"
Roberto Tejada Arevalo, Yubo Su, Ankan Sur, and Adam Burrows,
Ap.J. (Suppl.) 274, 34, 2024
"Jupiter Atmospheric Models and Outer Boundary Conditions for Giant Planet Evolutionary
Calculations," Yi-Xian Chen, Adam Burrows, Ankan Sur, and Roberto Tejada Arevalo,,
Ap.J., 957, 36, 2023.
"Black-Hole Formation Accompanied by the Supernova Explosion of a 40-Solar--Mass Progenitor,"
Adam Burrows, David Vartanyan, and Tianshu Wang,,
Ap.J., 957, 68, 2023.
"Neutrino Signatures of One Hundred 2D Axisymmetric Core-Collapse Supernova Simulations,"
David Vartanyan and Adam Burrows,,
MNRAS, 526, 5900-5910, 2023.
"Neutrino-Driven Winds in Three-Dimensional Core-Collapse Supernova Simulations,"
Tianshu Wang and Adam Burrows,,
Ap.J., 954, 114, 2023.
"The Gravitational-Wave Signature of Core-Collapse Supernovae," (David Vartanyan,
Adam Burrows, Tianshu Wang, Matthew Coleman, and Christopher White),,
Phys. Rev. D, 107, 103015, 2023.
"Effects of Different Closure Choices in Core-Collapse Supernova Simulations," (Tianshu Wang and Adam Burrows),
Ap.J., 943, 78, 2023.
"Self-Consistent Models of Y Dwarf Atmospheres with Water Clouds and Disequilibrium Chemistry,"
(Brianna Lacy \& Adam Burrows),,
Ap.J., 950, 8, 2023.
Kicks and Induced Spins of Neutron Stars at Birth," (Matthew S.B. Coleman and Adam Burrows),
MNRAS, 517, 3938-3961, 2022.
"Applications of Machine Learning to Predicting Core-collapse Supernova Explosion Outcomes,"
(Benny Tsz-Ho Tsang, David Vartanyan, and Adam Burrows),
Ap.J. (Letters), 937, L15, 2022.
"The Essential Character of the Neutrino Mechanism of Core-Collapse Supernova Explosions,"
(Tianshu Wang, David Vartanyan, Adam Burrows, and Mathew S.B. Coleman),
MNRAS, 517, 543, 2022.
"The Collapse and Three-Dimensional Explosion of Three-Dimensional Massive-star Supernova Progenitors,"
(D. Vartanyan, M.S.B. Coleman, and Adam Burrows),
MNRAS, 510, 4689-4705, 2022.
"On the Origin of Pulsar and Magnetar Magnetic Fields,"
(Christopher J. White, Adam Burrows, Matthew S.B. Coleman, and David Vartanyan),
Ap. J., 926, 111, 2022.
"Core-Collapse Supernova Explosion Theory," (Adam Burrows and David Vartanyan),
Nature, 589, 29-39, 2021.
"Supernova neutrino signals based on long-term axisymmetric simulations,
(H. Nagakura, Adam Burrows, and David Vartanyan) ,
MNRAS, 506, 1462-1479, 2021.
"JWST Transit Spectra II: Constraining Aerosol Properties and Gaseous Properties in Warm
Exoplanet Atmospheres,"
(Brianna Lacy and Adam Burrows),
Astrophysical Journal, 904, 25, 2020.
"JWST Transit Spectra I: Exploring Potential Biases and Opportunities in Retrievals
of Tidally-locked Hot Jupiters with Clouds and Hazes,"
(Brianna Lacy and Adam Burrows),
Astrophysical Journal, 905, 38, 2020.
"Prospects for Directly Imaging Young Giant Planets at Optical Wavelengths,"
(Brianna Lacy and Adam Burrows),
Astrophysical Journal, 892, 151, 2020.
"A Generalized Kompaneets Formalism for Inelastic Neutrino-Nucleon Scattering in Supernova Simulations,"
(Tianshu Wang and A. Burrows),
Phys. Rev D102, 023017, 2020.
"Core-collapse supernova neutrino emission and detection informed by
state-of-the-art three-dimensional numerical models,"
(H. Nagakura, A. Burrows, D. Vartanyan, and D. Radice),
Mon. Not. Royal Astron. Soc., 500, 696, 2020.
"Gravitational Waves from Neutrino Emission Asymmetries in Core-Collapse Supernovae,"
(David Vartanyan and Adam Burrows),
Astrophysical Journal, 901, 108, 2020.
"A Systematic Study of Proto-Neutron Star Convection in Three-Dimensional Core-Collapse Supernova Simulations,"
(Hiroki Nagakura, Adam Burrows, David Radice, and David Vartanyan),
Mon. Not. Royal Astron. Soc., 492, 576, 2020.
"The Overarching Framework of Core-Collapse Supernova Explosions as Revealed by 3D Fornax Simulations,"
(Adam Burrows, David Radice, David Vartanyan, Hiroki Nagakura, M. Aaron Skinner, & Joshua C. Dolence),
Mon. Not. Royal Astron. Soc., 491, 2715, 2019.
"Full Transport Disk Model Unveils the Blue Kilonova in GW170817,"
(Jonah Miller, Ben Ryan, Joshua C. Dolence, Adam Burrows, Chris Fontes, Chris Fryer,
Oleg Korobkin, Jonas Lippuner, Matthew Mumpower, and Ryan T. Wollaeger),
Phys. Rev. D, 100, 023008, 2019.
"Temporal and Angular Variations of 3D Core-Collapse Supernova Emissions and their
Physical Correlations," (David Vartanyan, Adam Burrows, and David Radice),
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 489, 2227, 2019.
"Detection Prospects of Core-Collapse Supernovae with Supernova-Optimized
Third-Generation Gravitational-wave Detectors," (Varun Srivastava, Stefan Ballmer,
Duncan A. Brown, Chaitanya Afle, Adam Burrows, David Radice, and David Vartanyan),
Physical Review D, 100.043026, 2019.
"Towards an Understanding of the Resolution Dependence of Core-Collapse Supernova Simulations,"
(H. Nagakura, A. Burrows, D. Radice, and D. Vartanyan),
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 490, 4622, 2019.
"Three-Dimensional Supernova Explosion Simulations of 9-, 10-, 11-, 12-, and 13-M$_{\odot}$ Stars,"
(Adam Burrows, David Radice, & David Vartanyan),
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 482, 351, 2019.
"Characterizing the Gravitational Wave Signal from Core-Collapse Supernovae,"
(David Radice, Viktoriya Morozova, Adam Burrows, David Vartanyan, & Hiroki Nagakura),
Ap.J. Letters, 876, L9, 2019.
"A Successful 3D Core-Collapse Supernova Explosion Model,"
(D. Vartanyan, A. Burrows, D. Radice, A. Skinner, & J. Dolence),
Mon. Notices R.A.S., 482, 351, 2019.
"Fornax: A Flexible Code for Multiphysics Astrophysical Simulations,"
(M. Aaron Skinner, Joshua Dolence, Adam Burrows, David Radice, & David Vartanyan),
Astrophys. J. Supplement Series, 241, 7, 2019.
"Characterization of Exoplanet Atmospheres with the Optical Coronagraph on WFIRST,"
(Brianna Lacy, David Shlivko, & Adam Burrows),
Astron. J., 157, 132, 2019.
"A Brief History of the Co-evolution of Supernova Theory with Neutrino Physics," (Adam Burrows),
a contribution to the Proceedings of the Conference on the History
of the Neutrino, eds. Jacques Dumarchez, Michel Cribier, and Daniel Vignaud,
held in Paris France, Sept. 7-9, 2018.
"Neutrino Signals of Core-Collapse Supernovae in Underground Detectors,"
(Shaquann Seadrow, Adam Burrows, David Vartanyan, David Radice, & M. Aaron Skinner),
Monthly Notices of the RAS, 480, 4710, 2018.
"Revival of the Fittest: Exploding Core-Collapse Supernovae from 12 to 25 M solar masses," Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 477, 3091, 2018.
"The Gravitational Wave Signal from Core-Collapse Supernovae,"
(Viktoriya Morozova, David Radice, Adam Burrows, & David Vartanyan),
Astrophys. J., 861, 10, 2018.
"Electron-Capture and Low-Mass Iron-Core-Collapse Supernovae:
New Neutrino-Radiation-Hydrodynamics Simulations," (David Radice, Adam Burrows,
David Vartanyan, M. Aaron Skinner, & Joshua C. Dolence),
Astrophys. J., 850, 43, 2017.
"Crucial Physical Dependencies of the Core-Collapse Supernova Mechanism",
(Adam Burrows, David Vartanyan, Joshua Dolence, M. Aaron Skinner, and David Radice),
Space Science Reviews, 214, 33, 2018.
"An Information-Theoretic Approach to Optimize JWST Observations
and Retrievals of Transiting Exoplanet Atmospheres," (Alex Howe, Adam Burrows, & Drake Deming),
Astrophys. J., 835, 96, 2017.
"Should One Use the Ray-by-Ray Approximation in Core-Collapse Supernova Simulations?",
(M. Aaron Skinner, A. Burrows , & J.C. Dolence),
Astrophys. J., 831, 81, 2016.
"The Supernova Breakout Burst Detection Potential of Terrestrial Neutrino Detectors,"
(Joshua Wallace, Adam Burrows, & J. Dolence),
Astrophys. J., 808, 172, 2015.
"Evolutionary Models of Super-Earths and Mini-Neptunes
Incorporating Cooling and Mass Loss," (Alex Howe & Adam Burrows),
Astrophys. J., 808, 150, 2015.
"The Direct Detectability of Giant Exoplanets in the Optical," (Johnny Greco & Adam Burrows),
Astrophys. J., 808, 172, 2015.
"Baade & Zwicky: Super-Novae, Neutron Stars, and Cosmic Rays,"
(Adam Burrows),
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112, no. 5, pp. 1241-1242 (2015).
"Two-Dimensional Core-Collapse Supernova Models with Multi-Dimensional Transport,"
(Josh Dolence, Adam Burrows, & Weiqun Zhang),
Astrophys. J., 800, 10, 2015.
"Scientific Return of Coronagraphic Exoplanet Imaging and Spectroscopy Using WFIRST,"
(Adam Burrows),
a quick study in support of the WFIRST/AFTA coronagraphic campaign, sponsored
by NASA/JPL, 2014.
"Expectations for the Hard X-ray Continuum and Gamma-ray Line Fluxes from the Type Ia supernova SN 2014J in M82,"
(Lih-Sin The & Adam Burrows),
Astrophys. J., 786, 141, 2014.
"Highlights in the Study of Exoplanet Atmospheres,"
(Adam Burrows),
Nature, 513, pp. 345-352, 2014.
"The Astronomical Reach of Fundamental Physics,"
(Adam Burrows & Jeremiah Ostriker),
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 111, 2409-2416, 2014.
"Mass-Radius Relations and Core-Envelope Decompositions of Super-Earths and Sub-Neptunes,"
(Alex Howe, Adam Burrows, & Wesley Verne),
Astrophys. J., 787, 183, 2014.
"Spectra as Windows into Exoplanet Atmospheres,"
(Adam Burrows),
Proc. of the Nat. Acad. Sci., Volume 111, no. 35, pp. 12601-12609, 2014.
"Perspectives on Core-Collapse Supernova Theory,"
(Adam Burrows),
Reviews of Modern Physics, 85, 275, 2013.
"Dimensional Dependence of the Hydrodynamics of Core-Collapse Supernovae,"
(J. Dolence, A. Burrows, J. Murphy, & J. Nordhaus),
Astrophys. J., 765, 110, 2013.
"Pulsation Frequencies and Modes of Giant Exoplanets,"
(Bastien Le Bihan & Adam Burrows),
Astrophys. J., 764, 18, 2013.
"Transport Equations for Oscillating Neutrinos,"
(Y. Zhang & A. Burrows),
Phys. Rev. D 88, 105009, 2013.
"CASTRO: A New Compressible Astrophysical Solver. III. Multigroup Radiation Hydrodynamics,"
(W. Zhang, L. Howell, A. Almgren, A. Burrows, J. Dolence, & J. Bell),
Astrophys. J. Suppl., 204, 7, 2013.
"The Dominance of Neutrino-Driven Convection in Core-Collapse Supernovae,"
(J. W. Murphy, J. Dolence, & A. Burrows),
Astrophys. J., 771, 52, 2013.
"Thermal Processes Governing Hot-Jupiter Radii,"
(D. Spiegel & A. Burrows),
Astrophys. J., 772, 76, 2013.
"An Investigation into the Character of Pre-Explosion Core-Collapse Supernova Shock Motion,"
(Adam Burrows, Joshua Dolence, & Jeremiah Murphy),
Astrophys. J., 759, 5, 2012.
"A New Monte Carlo Method for Time-Dependent Neutrino Radiation Transport,"
(E. Abdikamalov, A. Burrows, C.D. Ott et al.),
Astrophys. J., 755. 111, 2012.
"Theoretical Transit Spectra for GJ 1214b and Other 'Super-Earths',"
(Alex Howe & Adam Burrows),
Astrophys. J., 756, 176, 2012.
"Analytic Models for Albedos, Phase Curves, and Polarization of Reflected Light from Exoplanets,"
(Nikku Madhusudhan & Adam Burrows),
Astrophys. J., 747, 25, 2012.
"Spectral and Photometric Diagnostics of Giant Planet Formation Scenarios,"
(David S. Spiegel & Adam Burrows),
Astrophys. J., 745, 174, 2012.
"The Hydrodynamic Origin of Neutron Star Kicks,"
(Jason Nordhaus, Tim Brandt, Adam Burrows, & A. Almgren),
M.N.R.A.S., 423, 1805, 2012.
"The Dependence of Brown Dwarf Radii on Metallicity and Clouds: Theory and Comparison with Observations,"
(Adam Burrows, Kevin Heng, & Thane Nampaisarn),
Astrophys. J., 736, 47, 2011.
Results from Core-Collapse Simulations with Multi-Dimensional, Multi-Angle Neutrino Transport,"
(T.D. Brandt, A. Burrows, & C.D. Ott),
Astrophys. J., 728, 8, 2011.
"Model atmospheres for massive gas giants with thick clouds: Application
to the HR~8799 planets and predictions for future detections,"
(Madhusudhan Nikku, Adam Burrows, & Thayne Currie),
Astrophys. J., 737, 34, 2011.
"A Combined Subaru/VLT/MMT 1--5 Micron Study of Planets
Orbiting HR 8799: Implications for Atmospheric Properties, Masses, and Formation,"
(Thayne Currie, Adam Burrows, Yoichi Itoh, Soko Matsumura, Misato Fukagawa, Daniel Apai, Nikku
Madhusudhan, Phil Hinz, T. J. Rodigas, Marcus Kasper, T-S. Pyo, & Satoshi Ogino),
Astrophys. J., 729, 128, 2011.
"Induced Rotation in 3D Simulations of Core-Collapse Supernovae: Implications for Pulsar Spins,"
(E. Rantsiou, A. Burrows, J. Nordhaus, & A. Almgren),
Astrophys. J., 732, 57, 2011.
"The Deuterium-Burning Mass Limit for Brown Dwarfs and Giant Planets,"
(D. Spiegel, A. Burrows, & J.A. Milsom),
Astrophys. J., 727, 57, 2011.
"Theoretical Support for the Hydrodynamic Mechanism of Pulsar Kicks,"
(J. Nordhaus, T.D. Brandt, A. Burrows, E. Livne, & C.D. Ott),
Phys. Rev. D, 82, 103016, 2010.
"Dimension as a Key to the Neutrino Mechanism of Core-Collapse Supernova Explosions,"
(J. Nordhaus, A. Burrows, A. Almgren, & J. Bell),
Astrophys. J. 720, 694, 2010.
"Photometric and Spectral Signatures of 3D Models of Transiting Giant Exoplanets,"
(A. Burrows, E. Rauscher, D.S. Spiegel, & K. Menou),
Astrophys. J., 719, 341, 2010.
"Giant Planet Atmospheres and Spectra,"
(A. Burrows & G. Orton),
edited by S. Seager, to be published in the
Spring of 2010 in the Space Science Series of the University
of Arizona Press (Tucson, AZ) (refereed), 2010.
"Models of Neptune-Mass Exoplanets: Emergent Fluxes and Albedos,"
(D. Spiegel, A. Burrows,
L. Ibgui, I. Hubeny, and John A. Milsom),
Astrophys. J., 709, 149, 2009.
"Coupled Evolution with Tides of the Radius and
Orbit of Transiting Giant Planets: General Results,"
(L. Ibgui and A. Burrows),
Astrophys. J., 700, 1921-1932 2009.
"Can TiO Explain Thermal Inversions in the Upper Atmospheres of
Irradiated Giant Planets?,"
(D. Spiegel, K., Silverio, and A. Burrows),
Astrophys. J., 699, 1487, 2009.
"Neutrino Signatures and the Neutrino-Driven Wind in Binary Neutron Star Mergers,"
(L. Dessart, C.D. Ott, A. Burrows,
S. Rosswog, and E. Livne),
Astrophys. J., 690, 1681, 2009.
"Detection of a Temperature Inversion in the
3.6 - 8.0 $\mu$m Broadband Emission Spectrum of TrES-4,"
(Heather Knutson, David Charbonneau, Adam Burrows, Francis T. O'Donovan,
and Georgi Mandushev),
Astrophys. J., 691, 866, 2009.
"Detection of Water in the Emission Spectrum of the Exoplanet HD 189733b,"
(C. Grillmair, A. Burrows, D. Charbonneau, L. Armus, J. Stauffer, V. Meadows, J. van Cleve,
K. von Braun, and D. Levine),
Nature, 456, 767-769, 2008.
"The 3.6-8.0 Micron Broadband Emission Spectrum of HD 209458b: Evidence for an Atmospheric Temperature Inversion,"
(Heather Knutson, David Charbonneau, Lori E. Allen, Adam Burrows, and S. Thomas Megeath),
Astrophys. J., 673, 526, 2008.
"Criteria for Core-Collapse Supernova Explosions by the Neutrino Mechanism,"
(Jeremiah W. Murphy and Adam Burrows),
Astrophys. J., 688, 1159, 2008.
"Theoretical Radii of Extrasolar Giant Planets: The Cases of TrES-4, XO-3b, and HAT-P-1b,"
(Xin Liu, Adam Burrows, and Laurent Ibgui),
Astrophys. J., 687, L1191, 2008.
"BETHE-Hydro: An Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian
Multi-dimensional Hydrodynamics Code for Astrophysical Simulations,"
(Jeremiah W. Murphy and Adam Burrows),
Astrophys. J. Suppl., 179, 209, 2008.
"2D Multi-Angle, Multi-Group Neutrino Radiation-Hydrodynamic
Simulations of Postbounce Supernova Cores,"
(C.D. Ott, A. Burrows, L. Dessart, \& E. Livne),
Astrophys. J., 685, 1069, 2008.
"Optical Albedo Theory of Strongly-Irradiated
Giant Planets: The Case of HD 209458b,"
(A. Burrows, L. Ibgui, and I. Hubeny),
Astrophys. J., 682, 1277, 2008.
"The Protoneutron Star Phase of the Collapsar Model and the Route to
Long-Soft Gamma-ray Bursts and Hypernovae,"
(L. Dessart, A. Burrows, E. Livne, and C.D. Ott),
Astrophys. J. Letters, 673, L43, 2008.
"Theoretical Spectra and Light Curves of Close-in
Extrasolar Giant Planets and Comparison with Data,"
(A. Burrows, J. Budaj, and I. Hubeny),
Astrophys. J., 678, 1436, 2008.
"Theoretical Spectral Models of the Planet HD 209458b with a
Thermal Inversion and Water Emission Bands,"
(A. Burrows, I. Hubeny, J. Budaj, H. Knutson, and D. Charbonneau),
Astrophys. J. Letters, 668, L171, 2007.
"Magnetically-Driven Explosions of Rapidly-Rotating White Dwarfs Following
Accretion-Induced Collapse,"
(L. Dessart, A. Burrows, E. Livne, and C.D. Ott),
Astrophys. J., 669, 585, 2007.
"A Systematic Study of Departures from Chemical Equilibrium
in the Atmospheres of Substellar Mass Objects,"
(I. Hubeny and A. Burrows),
Astrophys. J., 669, 1248, 2007.
"Simulations of Magnetically-Driven Supernova and Hypernova Explosions
in the Context of Rapid Rotation,"
(A. Burrows, L. Dessart, E. Livne, C.D. Ott, and J. Murphy),
Astrophys. J., 664, 416, 2007.
"A Two-Dimensional Magnetohydrodynamics Scheme for General Unstructured Grids,"
(E. Livne, L. Dessart, A. Burrows, and C.A. Meakin),
Astrophys. J. Suppl. 170, 187, 2007.
"Possible Solutions to the Radius Anomalies of Transiting Giant Planets,"
(A. Burrows, I. Hubeny, J. Budaj, and W.B. Hubbard),
Astrophys. J., 661, 502, 2007.
"Atomic and Molecular Opacities for Brown Dwarf and Giant Planet
Atmospheres," (C. Sharp and A. Burrows),
Astrophys. J., Suppl., 168, 140, 2007.
"Features of the Acoustic Mechanism of Core-Collapse Supernova Explosions,"
(A. Burrows, E. Livne, L. Dessart, C.D. Ott, and J. Murphy),
Astrophys. J. 655, 416, 2007.
"A New Algorithm for 2-D Transport for Astrophysical
Simulations: I. General Formulation and Tests
for the 1-D Spherical Case," (I. Hubeny and A. Burrows),
Astrophys. J. Suppl., 659, 1458, 2007.
"Theory for the Secondary Eclipse Fluxes, Spectra, Atmospheres,
and Light Curves of Transiting Extrasolar Giant Planets,"
(A. Burrows, D. Sudarsky, and I. Hubeny),
Astrophys. J., 650, 1140, 2006.
"A New Mechanism for the Gravitational Wave Signatures of Core-Collapse Supernovae,"
(C.D. Ott, A. Burrows, L. Dessart, and E. Livne),
Phys. Rev. Letters, 96, 201102, 2006.
"L and T Dwarf Models and the L to T Transition,"
(A. Burrows, D. Sudarsky, and I. Hubeny),
Astrophys. J., 640, 1063, 2006.
"Multi-Dimensional Simulations of the Accretion-Induced Collapse of White Dwarfs to Neutron Stars,"
(L. Dessart, A. Burrows, C.D. Ott, and E. Livne),
Astrophys. J., 644, 1063, 2006.
"Multi-Dimensional Radiation/Hydrodynamic Simulations of Protoneutron
Star Convection,"
(L. Dessart, A. Burrows, E. Livne, and C.D. Ott),
Astrophys. J., 645, 534, 2006.
"The Spin Periods and Rotational Profiles of Neutron Stars
at Birth," (Christian Ott, Adam Burrows, Todd Thompson, Eli Livne, & Rolf Walder),
Astrophys. J. Suppl., 164, 130, 2006 .
"A New Mechanism for Core-Collapse Supernova Explosions,"
(A. Burrows, E. Livne, L. Dessart, C.D. Ott, and J. Murphy),
Astrophys. J., 640, 878, 2006.
"Effects of Mass Loss for Highly-Irradiated Giant Planets,"
(W.B. Hubbard, M.F. Hattori,
A. Burrows, I. Hubeny, and D. Sudarsky),
Icarus, 187, 358, 2007.
"One-Armed Spiral Instability in a Slowly Rotating, Post-Bounce Supernova
Core," (Christian Ott, Shangli Ou, Joel E. Tohline, and Adam Burrows),
Astrophys. J., 625, L119, 2005.
"A Generalized Boltzmann Formalism for Oscillating Neutrinos,"
(Phil Strack and Adam Burrows),
Phys. Rev. D, 71, 093004, 2005.
"Theoretical Interpretation of the Measurements of the Secondary Eclipses of TrES-1 and HD209458b,"
(Adam Burrows, Ivan Hubeny, and David Sudarsky),
Astrophys. J., 625, L135, 2005.
"A theoretical look at the direct detection of giant planets outside the Solar System,"
(Adam Burrows),
Nature 433, pp. 261 - 268, Jan. 20, 2005.
"Anisotropies in the Neutrino Fluxes and Heating Profiles in
Two-dimensional, Time-dependent, Multi-group
Radiation Hydrodynamics Simulations of Rotating
Core-Collapse Supernovae,"
(R. Walder, A. Burrows, C.D. Ott, E. Livne, and M. Jarrah),
Astrophys. J., 626, 317, 2005 .
"Phase Functions and Light Curves of Wide Separation Giant Planets,"
(David Sudarsky, Adam Burrows, Ivan Hubeny, and Aigen Li),
Astrophys. J. 627, 520, 2005.
"Spectroscopic Constants, Abundances, and Opacities of the TiH Molecule,"
(with M. Dulick, C.W. Bauschlicher, Jr., P.F. Bernath, R.S. Ram, C.M. Sharp, and J.A. Milsom),
Astrophys. J., 624, 988, 2005.
"Rotating Core Collapse and Bipolar Supernova Explosions,"
(with R. Walder, C.D. Ott, and E. Livne) to be published
in the proceedings of the international conference entitled "The Fate of the
Most Massive Stars," held May 23-28, 2004, at Jackson Lake Lodge in the
Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, USA, ed. Roberta Humphreys (ASP Conf. Series).
"Pulsational Analysis of the Cores of Massive Stars and its Relevance to
Pulsar Kicks," (with Jeremiah Murphy and Alexander Heger),
Astrophys. J., 615, 450, 2004.
"Theoretical Radii of Transiting Giant Planets: The Case of OGLE-TR-56b,"
(with I. Hubeny, W.B. Hubbard, D. Sudarsky and J.J. Fortney),
Astrophys. J. Letters, 610, L53, 2004.
``Understanding Core-Collapse Supernovae,"
to be published in the proceedings of the Twelfth Workshop on ``Nuclear Astrophysics,"
a Tribute to an Explosive Astrophysicist, Wolfgang Hillebrandt, on the occasion
of his 60th Birthday, held at the Ringberg Castle, Lake Tegernsee, Germany,
March 22 - 27, 2004, eds. E. Muller and H.-Th. Janka.
"Neutrino Opacities in Nuclear Matter,"
(with Sanjay Reddy and T.A. Thompson), to be published as a chapter in a special
edition of Nucl. Phys. A on Nuclear Astrophysics, eds. Karlheinz Langanke and F.K.
Thielemann, 2004.
"Viscosity and Rotation in Core-Collapse Supernovae,"
(with T.A. Thompson and E. Quataert),
Astrophys. J., 620, 861, 2005.
"Two-dimensional, Time-dependent, Multi-group, Multi-angle
Radiation Hydrodynamics Test Simulation in the Core-Collapse Supernova Context,"
(with E. Livne, R. Walder, T.A. Thompson, and I. Lichtenstadt),
Astrophys. J., 609, 277, 2004.
"Spectra and Diagnostics for the Direct
Detection of Wide-Separation Extrasolar Giant Planets,"
(with D. Sudarsky and I. Hubeny),
Astrophys. J., 609, 407, 2004.
Waves From Axisymmetric, Rotating Stellar Core Collapse,"
(with C.D. Ott, E. Livne, and R. Walder), Astrophys. J., 600, 834, 2004.
Neutrinos, Neutrino Oscillations, and the Mass of the Progenitor Star,"
(with K. Takahashi, K. Sato, and T.A. Thompson), Phys. Rev. D, 68, 113009, 2003.
"A Possible
Bifurcation in Atmospheres of Strongly
Irradiated Stars and Planets,"
(with Ivan Hubeny and D. Sudarsky),
Astrophys. J., 594, 1011, 2003.
the T Dwarfs: Theoretical Spectra, Colors,
and Detectability of the Coolest Brown Dwarfs,"
(with D. Sudarsky and J.I. Lunine),
Astrophys. J., 596, 587, 2003.
"A Theory for
the Radius of the Transiting Giant Planet HD 209458b,"
(with D. Sudarsky and W.B. Hubbard),
Astrophys. J., 594, 545, 2003.
Breakout in Core-Collapse Supernovae and its Neutrino Signature,"
(with T.A. Thompson and P.A. Pinto), Astrophys. J.,
592, 434, 2003.
"Line Intensities and Molecular
Opacities of the FeH {\rm F}$^4\Delta_i-X^4\Delta_i$ Transition,"
(M. Dulick, C. Bauschlicher, Jr., C. Sharp, R. Ram, and Peter Bernath),
Astrophys. J., 594, 651, 2003.
"On the Indirect
Detection of Sodium in the Atmosphere of the Transiting
Planet HD209458b," (with J.J. Fortney, D. Sudarsky, W.B. Hubbard,
J.I. Lunine, and C.S. Cooper), Astrophys. J., 589, 615, 2003.
Spectra and Atmospheres of Extrasolar Giant Planets," (with
D. Sudarsky and I. Hubeny), Astrophys. J., 588, 1121, 2003.
"Modeling the Formation
of Clouds in Brown Dwarf Atmospheres," (with C. Cooper, D. Sudarsky,
John A. Milsom, and Jonathan I. Lunine),
Astrophys. J., 586, 1320, (2003).
of the Far-Wing Line Profiles of Sodium and
Potassium in the Atmospheres of Substellar-Mass Objects," (with Maxim
Volobuyev), Astrophys. J., 583, 985, 2003.
"Neutrino-Matter Interaction Rates in Supernovae: The Essential
Microphysics of Core Collapse," (with T.A. Thompson), to be published in
Core Collapse of Massive Stars, ed. C. Fryer, in preparation.
"Ground-Based Spectroscopy of Close-in Extrasolar Planets with Nulling and
High-Order Adaptive Optics," (with M. Langlois, J.R.P. Angel, and P. Hinz), in
preparation (2002).
"The Mechanism of
Core-Collapse Supernova Explosions: A Status Report,"
(with T.A. Thompson), in the proceedings of the ESO/MPA/MPE Workshop (an ESO
Astrophysics Symposium) entitled From Twilight to Highlight: The Physics of
Supernovae, held in Garching bei München, Germany, July
29-31, 2002, eds. Bruno Leibundgut and Wolfgang Hillebrandt (Springer-Verlag).
"Spectra of Irradiated Giant Planets," (with D. Sudarsky)
in Conference 4835 (Future Research Directions and Visions
for Astronomy), Session 2 of the SPIE meeting on "Astronomical Telescopes and
Instrumentation: Power Telescopes and Instrumentation into the New Millennium,"
held 22-28 August at the Hilton Waikoloa Village Hotel, Waikoloa, Hawaii (2002).
"Models of
Irradiated Extrasolar Giant Planets,"
(with D. Sudarsky) to be published by PASP (ed. Drake Deming)
in the proceedings of the conference entitled
"Scientific Frontiers in Research on Extrasolar Planets," held
at the Carnegie Institution of Washington, DC, June 18-21, 2002.
Brown Dwarfs, L Dwarfs, and T Dwarfs,"
to be published by PASP in the proceedings of IAU Symposium No. 211 entitled
Brown Dwarfs, held at the Outrigger Waikoloa Beach Hotel, the Big Island
of Hawaii, 2002 May 20-24 (ed. E. Martín).
"New CrH Opacities for the Study of L and Brown Dwarf Atmospheres,"
(with R.S. Ram, Peter Bernath, C.M. Sharp, and J.A. Milsom), Astrophys. J.,
577, 986 (2002).
of Giant Planets," (with W.B. Hubbard and J.I. Lunine),
Annu. Rev. Astron. Astrophys., 40, 103 (2002).
"Theoretical Spectral Models of T Dwarfs at Short Wavelengths and Their
Comparison with Data," (with A.J. Burgasser, J.D. Kirkpatrick, J. Liebert,
J.A. Milsom, D. Sudarsky, and I. Hubeny),
Astrophys. J., 573, 394 (2002).
"Discovery of a 0.15" Binary Brown Dwarf, 2MASS J1426316+155701, with
GEMINI/HOKUPA'AAdaptive Optics," (with L.M. Close, D. Potter, W. Brandner,
M. Meyer, M. Lloyd-Hart, D. McCarthy, J. Liebert, and N. Siegler)
Astrophys. J., 566, 1095 (2002).
"The Spectra of T Dwarfs I: Near-Infrared Data and Spectral Classification," (with
A.J. Burgasser, J.D. Kirkpatrick, M.E. Brown, I.N. Reid, J. Liebert, K.Y. Matthews,
J.E. Gizis, C.C. Dahn, D.G. Monet, R.M. Cutri, and M.F. Skrutskie),
Astrophys. J., 564, 421 (2001).
Physics of Protoneutron Star Winds: Implications for r-Process Nucleosynthesis,"
(with T.A. Thompson and B.S. Meyer),
Astrophys. J., 562, 887-908, 2001.
"New Insights into Extrasolar Giant Planets," to be published in
the proceedings of Planetary Systems in the Universe: Observation,
Formation, and Evolution, eds. A.J. Penny, P. Artymowicz, A.M. Lagrange,
and S.S. Russell, (IAU 202; ASP Conference Series), 2001.
of Extrasolar Giant Planet Transits," (with W.B. Hubbard, J.F. Fortney, J.I. Lunine,
D. Sudarsky, and P.A. Pinto),
Astrophys. J., 560, 413 (2001).
"The Theory of Brown Dwarfs and Extrasolar Giant Planets,"
(with W.B. Hubbard, J.I. Lunine, and J. Liebert),Rev. Mod. Phys., 73, 719 (2001)
"Neutrino-Matter Interactions in the Context of Core-Collapse
Supernovae," published by Elsevier in Progress in Particle and Nuclear
Physics, (Pergamon Press), v. 46, pp. 59-71 (2001).
"Alkali Metals and the Color of
Brown Dwarfs," in Ultracool Dwarfs, a Special Session of the I.A.U.
General Assembly held August 12, 2000 in Manchester, England, eds. Hugh Jones and
Iain McLean (Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag: Lecture Notes in Physics series), pp.
26-32, 2001.
"HST Time-Series Photometry of the Transiting Planet of HD 209458,"
(with T. Brown, D. Charbonneau, R. Gilliland, and R. Noyes), Astrophys. J.,
552, 891 (2001).
"Neutrino Processes in
Supernovae and the Physics of Protoneutron Star Winds,"
(with T. Thompson), in the proceedings of Nuclei in the Cosmos
2000 (Elsevier: Nucl. Phys. A.) Nucl. Phys. A, 688, 377 (2001).
"The Atmospheres of Extrasolar Planets," (with J.I.Lunine and W.B.
Hubbard), in "From Urban Air Pollution to Extrasolar Planets: ERCA" Vol. 4,
ed. C. Boulron (EDP Sciences, Les Ulis, France; 2000), Chapt. XX, pp.
"A Lack of Planets in 47 Tucanae from a Hubble Space Telescope Search,"
(co-author, R. Gilliland et al.),
Astrophys. J. Letters, 545, L47 (2000).
"Important Current Issues in Supernova Theory," published in the
Proceedings of the Tours Symposium on Nuclear Physics IV, held in
Tours, France, Sept. 4-7 (2000), ed. M. Arnould, M. Lewitowicz, and Yu.Ts.
Oganessian (AIP: Melville, New York), V. 561, p. 13.
and Tau Neutrino Thermalization and Production in Supernovae:
Processes and Timescales," (with T.A. Thompson and J. Horvath), Phys.
Rev. C, 62, 035802 (2000).
"An Improved Red Spectrum of the Methane Dwarf SDSS 1624+0029: Role of the Alkali
Metals," (with J. Liebert, I.N. Reid, A.J. Burgasser, J.D. Kirkpatrick, and
J.E. Gizis), Astrophys. J. Letters, 533, L155, 200.
the Radii of Close-in Giant Planets," (with T. Guillot, W.B. Hubbard,
M.S. Marley, D. Saumon, J.I. Lunine, and D. Sudarsky),
Astrophys. J. Letters, 534, L97, 2000.
and Reflection Spectra of Extrasolar Giant Planets," (with D. Sudarsky and P. Pinto)Astrophys. J., 538, 885, 2000.
"The Exotic Atmospheres of Substellar-Mass Objects," in the proceedings
of the conference "From Giant Planets to Cool Stars," held at N.A.U. in
Flagstaff, AZ, June 1999, ed. C. Griffith and M.S. Marley (PASP, 1999).
Also to be found under the title "The Atmospheres of Substellar-Mass Objects,"
in IAU Symposium 197 "Astrochemistry: from molecular clouds to planetary
systems," ed. Y.C. Minh and E. van Dischoek (PASP; 2000), pp. 505-511.
"Supernova Explosions in the Universe," Nature,
403, 727 (2000) (cover story).
Near-Infrared and Optical Spectra of Methane Dwarfs and Brown Dwarfs,"
(with M.S. Marley and C.M. Sharp), Astrophys. J.,
531, 438-446, 2000.
"Neutrinos and Supernova Theory," (with T. Young),
in "David Schramm's Universe," a special volume of Phys. Repts.,ed. G. Brown, M.S. Turner, and M. Kamionkowski
(Notrth Holland: Amsterdam), pp. 63-75 (2000).
"Type Ia Supernova Explosions in Binary Systems: The Impact on the
Secondary Star and its Consequences," (with E. Marietta and B.A. Fryxell),
Astrophys. J. Suppl., 128, 615 (2000).
"A New Algorithm for Supernova Neutrino Transport and Some Applications,"
(with T. Young, P. Pinto, R. Eastman, and T. Thompson), Astrophys. J.,
539, 865 (2000).
"Supernova Neutrinos," (with T. Young), in the
Proceedings of the Nobel Symposium, Particle Physics
and the Universe, ed. L. Bergstrom, P. Carlson, and C. Fransson (Enkoping,
Sweden, August 20-25, 1998), Physica Scripta T85, 127-131 (2000).
"Supernova Explosions and Supernova Neutrinos"
in the proceedings of the TASI-98 (Theoretical Advanced
Study Institute-98) Summer School on
Neutrinos in Physics and Astrophysics: from 10-33 to
1028cm, (World Scientific: Singapore), ed. P. Langacker,
p. 570 (2000).
"New Ideas in the Theory of Extrasolar
Giant Planets and Brown Dwarfs,"
(with W.B. Hubbard, J.I. Lunine, M. Marley, & D. Saumon), in the refereed
proceedings of Protostars and Planets IV (held in Santa Barbara, CA, July 5-12, 1998.),
eds. V. Mannings, A. Boss, & S. Russell (Univ. of Arizona Press: Tucson), p.1339 (2000).
"Extrasolar Planets: Direct Detection at Last," (with R. Angel)
Nature, 402, 732 (1999).
"Extrasolar Giant Planets and Brown Dwarfs,"
Perspective in Science, 285, 847 (1999).
"Comparative Evolution of Jupiter and Saturn,"
(with W.H. Hubbard, T. Guillot, M. Marley, J.I. Lunine, & D. Saumon), in
Planetary and Space Science, (Pergamon Press), v. 47, p. 1175-1182 (1999).
"L Dwarfs and the Substellar Mass Function,"
(with I.N. Reid, J.D. Kirkpatrick, J. Liebert, J.E. Gizis, A. Burghasser,
C.C. Dahn, D. Monet, R. Cutri, & M. Skrutskie),Astrophys. J., 521, 613 (1999).
"Extrasolar Giant Planet and Brown Dwarf Theory," published
in the proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute Planets Outside
the Solar System: Theory and Observations, ed. J.-M. Mariotti and D.
Alloin (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999), p. 121-140.
Equilibrium Abundances in Brown Dwarf and Extrasolar Giant Planet Atmospheres,"
(with C. Sharp), Astrophys. J., 512, 843, (1999).
in Type II Supernovae and the Abundances in Metal-Poor Stars,"
(with T. Nakamura, H. Umeda, K. Nomoto, and F. Thielemann),
Astrophys. J., 517, 193, (1999).
Corrections to Charged-Current Neutrino Absorption Rates
in Nuclear Matter," (with R. Sawyer), Phys. Rev. C, 59, no. 1, 510
"On the Systematics of
Core-Collapse Explosions," in the proceedings of
the 9'th Workshop on Nuclear Astrophysics, held at the Ringberg Castle,
Germany, March 23-29, 1998, ed. E. Müller & W. Hillebrandt, p. 76.
"How Pulsars Get Their Spins," Nature, 393, 121 (1998).
"The Emerging Theory of Brown Dwarfs and Giant Planets," in the
proceedings of the conference on "Planetary Systems: The Long View," ed. by L.
Celnikier and J. Tran Thanh Vân (Editions Frontières, 1998), p. 373.
"Effects of Correlations on
Neutrino Opacities in Nuclear Matter,"
(with R.F. Sawyer), Phys. Rev. C, 58, 554, 1998.
Migration of Giant Planets: Modeling Extrasolar Planets,"
(with D. Trilling, W. Benz, T. Guillot, W.B. Hubbard, and J.I. Lunine),
Astrophys. J., 500, 428, 1998.
"Advances in the
Theory of Brown Dwarfs and Extrasolar Giant Planets,"
(with D. Sudarsky, C. Sharp, M. Marley, W.B. Hubbard, J.I. Lunine, T. Guillot,
D. Saumon, and R. Freedman), in the proceedings of the Tenerife Workshop on
Extrasolar Planets and Brown Dwarfs, ed. R. Rebolo, E.L. Martin, & M.R.
Zapatero-Osorio (ASP Conf. Series V. 134), p. 354, 1998.
"Orbital Evolution of (with D. Trilling,
W. Benz, T. Guillot, J.I. Lunine, and W.B. Hubbard), in the proceedings of the
Tenerife Workshop on Extrasolar Planets and Brown Dwarfs, ed. R. Rebolo, E.L.
Martin, & M.R. Zapatero-Osorio (ASP Conf. Series V. 134), p. 280, 1998.
"A Critique of
Core-Collapse Supernova Theory Circa 1997," in the
proceedings of the 18'th Texas Symposium on Relativisitc Astrophysics,
ed. A. Olinto, J. Frieman, & D. Schramm (World Scientific Press, 1997),
p. 709, 1998.
Synthesis for Neutron Star Systems with Intrinsic Kicks,"
(with C. Fryer and W. Benz), Ap. J., 496, 333 1998.
Spectral Character of Giant Planets and Brown Dwarfs,"
(with M. Marley, W.B. Hubbard, D. Sudarsky, C. Sharp, J.I. Lunine,
T. Guillot, D. Saumon, & R. Freedman), in the proceedings of the 10'th
Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun,
ed. R. Donahue & J. Bookbinder (PASP Conference Series, 1997), p. 27.
"New Insights
into Core-Collapse Supernova Theory," to be published in
the proceedings of the 5'th CTIO/ESO/LCO Workshop entitled "SN1987A: Ten Years
Later," eds. M.M. Phillips & N.B. Suntzeff, held in La Serena, Chile,
February 24-28, 1997.
Non-Gray Theory of Extrasolar Giant Planets and Brown Dwarfs,"
(with M. Marley, W.B. Hubbard, J.I. Lunine, T. Guillot, D. Saumon,
R. Freedman, D. Sudarsky, & C. Sharp), Ap. J., 491, 856 (1997).
"Extrasolar Giant
Planet and Brown Dwarf Models," (with W.B. Hubbard,
J. Lunine, M. Marley, T. Guillot, D. Saumon, & R.S. Freedman), in the
proceedings of Planets Beyond the Solar System and the Next Generation of
Space Missions, ed. David R. Soderblom, A.S.P. Conf. Ser. V. 119, p. 9
"Liquid Metallic
Hydrogen and the Structure of Brown Dwarfs and Giant Planets,"
(with W.B. Hubbard, T. Guillot, J. Lunine, D. Saumon, M. S. Marley,
& R.S. Freedman), Phys. Plasmas, 4, 1475 (1997)
the Nature of the Newly Discovered Extrasolar Planets,"
(with T. Guillot, D. Saumon, W.B. Hubbard, J.I. Lunine, M.S. Marley,
& R.S. Freedman), in "Astronomical and Biochemical Origins and the Search for Life in
the Universe," eds. C.B. Cosmovici, S. Bowyer & D. Werthimer, pp. 343-350, 1997.
"Theoretical Models
of Extrasolar Giant Planets,"
(with W.B. Hubbard, J.I. Lunine, T. Guillot, D. Saumon,
M. Marley, & R. Freedman) in the proceedings of the International
Conference on Sources and Detection of Dark Matter in the Universe,
ed. D. Sanders et al., Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Suppl.)
51B, 76-85 (1996).
"Towards a Synthesis
of Core-Collapse Supernova Theory,"
Nucl. Phys. A 606, 151 (1996).
"On the Nature of the Brown Dwarf Gliese 229 B"
(with M. Marley, D. Saumon, T. Guillot, W.B. Hubbard, J.I. Lunine, &
R. Freedman), Science, 272, 1919 (1996).
Planets at Small Orbital Distances,"
(with T. Guillot, W.B. Hubbard, J.I. Lunine, & D. Saumon),
Astrophys. J. Letters, 459, L35 (1996).
"Pulsar Recoil and
Gravitational Radiation due to Asymmetrical Stellar Collapse and Explosion,"
(with J. Hayes), Phys. Rev. Letters, 76, 352 (1996).
Theory of Extra-Solar Giant Planets,"
(with D. Saumon, W.B. Hubbard, T. Guillot, J. Lunine, and G. Chabrier),
Ap. J., 460, 993 (1996).
"An Origin for Pulsar
Kicks in Supernova Hydrodynamics," (with J. Hayes),
in the Proceedings of the conference, High-Velocity Neutron Stars and
Gamma-Ray Bursts, held in La Jolla, CA March 15-17, 1995, eds. R. E.
Rothschild & R. E. Lingenfelter (A.I.P. Press, no. 366, 1996), p. 25.
"Supernovae: A Tale of Two Instabilities?," published in the
proceedings of The International Conference on Non-Accelerator Particle
Physics, ICNAPP ed. R. Cowsik, (World Scientific, 1996), p. 372.
"Can 51 Peg B Survive?" (with J.I. Lunine), Nature, News &
Views, November 1995.
"A New Dimension to Supernovae," (with J. Hayes), Sky &
Telescope, August 1995, pp. 30-33.
"Seeking Planets Around Nearby Stars," (with R. Angel),
Nature, 374, 678 (1995).
"Prospects for Detection of Extra-Solar
Giant Planets by Next-Generation Telescopes,"
(with D. Saumon, T. Guillot, W. B. Hubbard, and J. I. Lunine),
Nature, 375, 299 (1995).
Gamma-Ray Monte Carlo Study of the Clumpy Debris of SN1987A,"
(with K. A. Van Riper), Ap. J.,
455, 215 (1995).
"The Physics of Core-Collapse Supernova Explosions," (with J. Hayes)
in the 17'th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology,
published in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences,
ed. H. Böhringer, G. Morfill, & J. E. Trümper, 759, 375 (1995).
"Probing Dark Matter,"
(with J. Liebert), Nature, 373, 191 (1995).
the Nature of Core-Collapse Supernova Explosions,"
(with J. Hayes and B. A. Fryxell),
Ap. J., 450, 830 (1995).
"The Quiet Lives of Very-Low Mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs," (with D.
Saumon and W. B. Hubbard) in the proceedings of the conference The Bottom
of the Main Sequence- And Beyond, ed. C. Tinney (Springer-Verlag:
Heidelberg, 1995), pp 3-12.
"Current Uncertainties in the Interior Physics of Brown Dwarfs and Giant
Planets," (with W. B. Hubbard, J. I. Lunine, and D. Saumon) in the
proceedings of the OJI International Seminar on Elementary Processes in Dense
Plasmas, eds. S. Ichimaru and S. Ogata (Addison-Wesley: Reading, 1995),
pp. 227-238.
"Properties of Objects Near the Main Sequence Edge," (with W. B. Hubbard,
J. I. Lunine, and D. Saumon) in the proceedings of the conference Sources
of Dark Matter in the Universe, held at UCLA February 15-18 1994, ed. D.B.
Cline (World Scientific: Singapore, 1995), pp. 129-144.
"Astronomy on the Edge: The Physical Theory of Brown Dwarfs and Late M
Dwarfs," (with W. B. Hubbard and J. I. Lunine)
in the proceedings of The 8'th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar
Systems, and the Sun, ed. J.-P. Caillault (PASP Conference Series #64,
1994), p. 528.
"Neutrinos and Supernovae," in the proceedings
of the International Conference "Neutral Currents: Twenty Years Later,
ed. by U. Nguyen-Khan and A. M. Lutz (World Scientific: 1994), p.441.
"Cool Zero-Metallicity Stellar Atmospheres,"
(with D. Saumon,
P. Bergeron, J. I. Lunine, W. B. Hubbard), Ap. J., 424, 333 (1994).
"Neutrino Astrophysics" in
Trends in Astroparticle Physics, ed. by P. C. Bosetti, (B. G. Teubner
Verlagsgesellschaft, 1994), p. 232. October 10-12, 1991.
"Recent Advances in Supernova Theory," to be published in the
proceedings of Supernovae and Supernova Remnants, eds. R. McCray and
Z. Wang, held in Xian, China, May 24-29, 1993 (Cambridge Univ. Press).
"A Convective Trigger for Supernova Explosions,"
(with B. Fryxell), Ap. J. (Letters), 418, L33 (1993).
"A Theory of Supernova Explosions," (with J. Goshy),
Ap. J. (Letters), 416, L75 (1993).
"A Summary of Theoretical Predictions Concerning Supernova Neutrino
Detection," in "Frontiers of Neutrino Astrophysics," eds. by Y. Suzuki and
K. Nakamura (Tokyo: Universal Academy Press, 1993), p. 227.
"Hydrodynamic Instabilities in Young Neutron Stars and Supernovae,"
(with B.A. Fryxell), in The Origin and Evolution of the Elements, eds.
S. Kubono and T. Kajino, (World Scientific: Singapore, 1993), p. 165.
"Supernova Neutrino Bursts, the SNO Detector, and Neutrino
Oscillations," (with D. Klein and R. Gandhi), Nucl. Phys. B (Proc.
Suppl.), 31, 408, 1993.
"Recent Theoretical Results on Brown Dwarf Properties and
Evolution," (with J. I. Lunine, D. Saumon, and W. B. Hubbard),
in Strongly Coupled Plasmas, eds. H. M. Van Horn and S. Ichimaru,
(University of Rochester press, 1993), p. 137.
"An Expanded Set of Brown Dwarf and Very Low Mass Star Models,"
(with W. B. Hubbard, D. Saumon, and J. I. Lunine),
Ap. J., 406, 158, (1993).
"The Stellar Population in the Rho Ophiuchi Cluster,"
(with F. Comeron, G. Rieke, and M. Reike),
Ap. J., 416, 185, (1993).
Science of Brown Dwarfs," (with J. Liebert),
Rev. Mod. Phys., 65, 301 (1993).
"An Instability in
Neutron Stars at Birth," (with B. A. Fryxell), Science, 258, 430 (1992).
"Massive Dirac Neutrinos and SN1987A" (with M. Turner and R. Gandhi),
Phys. Rev. Lett., 68, 3834 (1992).
Breakout in SN1987A," (with L. Ensman), Astrophys. J., 393, 742 (1992).
Future of Supernova Neutrino Detection," (with D. Klein and R.
Gandhi), Phys. Rev. D45, 3361 (1992).
"Constraints on the Dirac Neutrino Masses from SN1987A and the 17
keV Neutrino" (with R. Gandhi), in the proceedings of PASCOS-91;
Particles, Strings, and Cosmology, eds. P. Nath and S. Reucroft
(World Scientific, Singapore, 1992), p. 455.
"Supernova Neutrinos: Life After SN1987A," in Trends in
Astroparticle Physics," eds. D. Cline and R. Peccei (World Scientific,
Singapore, 1992), p. 463.
"SN1991T: GRO's First Supernova?" (with A. Shankar and K. A.
Van Riper), Astrophys. J. (Letters), 379, L7 (1991).
"Effects of the Equation of State in Neutron Stars and in Stellar
Collapse" (with J. Lattimer), ESO Conference Proceeding No. 37, SN1987A
and Other Supernovae, eds. I. J. Danziger and K. Kjär (1990),
p. 69.
"The Theory and Diagnostic Promise of Supernova Gamma-Rays," in
AIP Conference Proceeding No. 232, Gamma-Ray Line Astrophysics, eds. P.
Durouchoux and N. Prantzos (AIP: New York, 1990), p. 297.
"The Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy of Supernovae" (with Lih-Sin The), ESO
Conference Proceeding No. 37, SN1987A and Other Supernovae, eds. I. J.
Danziger and K. Kjär (1990), p. 739.
"X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Signatures of Wolf-Rayet Supernova
Explosions" (with L.-S. The and D. D. Clayton), IAU Symposium No. 143,
Wolf-Rayet Stars and Interrelations with Other Massive Stars in Galaxies,
eds. K. A. van der Hucht and B. Hedayat (Dordrecht: Klüwer, 1990), p. 537.
"Axions and SN1987A: Axion Trapping" (with M. Turner and M. T.
Russell), Phys. Rev. D42, 3297 (1990).
"Massive Dirac Neutrinos and the SN1987A Signal" (with R. Gandhi),
Phys. Lett. B246, 149 (1990).
"Neutrinos from Supernova Explosions," Ann. Rev. Nuc. Part.
Sci. 40, 181 (1990).
"Neutrinos from Type II Supernovae: The First 100 Milliseconds"
(with E. Myra), Ap. J. 364, 222 (1990).
"Ultra-High Energy Photonuclear Cross Sections" (with R. Gandhi,
I. Sarcevic, L. Durand, and H. Pi), Phys. Rev. D42, 263 (1990).
"Gamma-Rays as a Probe of Type Ia Supernova Physics," in IAP
Conference Proceeding #211, High-Energy Astrophysics in the 21st
Century, ed. P. C. Joss (AIP: New York, 1990), p. 48.
"The X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Signatures of Type Ia Supernovae" (with Lih-Sin
The), Ap. J. 360, 626 (1990).
"The Initial Mass Function for Very Low Mass Stars in the Hyades"
(with W. B. Hubbard and J. I. Lunine), Ap. J. (Letters), 358, L53
"The SN1987A Neutrino Signal and the Future," in Supernovae,
ed. S. E. Woosley (Springer-Verlag, New York, 1990), p. 393.
"Physics, SN1987A, and the Next Nearby Supernova," in the
proceedings of International Symposium on Weak and Electromagnetic
Interactions in Nuclei, WEIN-89, ed. P. Depommier (Editions Frontiers,
1990) p. 373.
"X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Fluxes from SN1987A" (with Lih-Sin The and R.
Bussard), Ap. J. 352, 731 (l990).
"Neutrinos from Supernovae," in Supernovae, ed. by A. G.
Petschek (Springer-Verlag, 1990), pp. 143-181.
"What Have We Learned from the Neutrinos from 1987A," in the
Proceedings of the University of Minnesota Workshop on SN1987A,
eds. K. Olive and T. Walsh (Independence Press, 1989), p. 99.
"Gamma-Ray Line and Continuum Fluxes from SN1987A" (with R.
Bussard and Lih-Sin The), in the proceedings of the Gamma-Ray Observatory
Science Workshop, held at Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, April
10-12, 1989.
"Enhancement of Cold Fusion in Metal Hydrides by Screening of
Proton and Deuteron Charges," Phys. Rev. B40, 3405 (1989).
"What Can we Hope to Learn via Neutrinos from a Supernova in our
Galaxy?" in Particle Astrophysics: Forefront Experimental Issues, ed.
E. B. Norman (World Scientific: Singapore, 1989), p. 302.
Models of Very Low Mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs,"
A. Burrows, W. B. Hubbard, and J. I. Lunine, Ap. J., 345, 939 (1989).
"SN1987A Gamma-Ray Line Profiles and Fluxes," (with R. Bussard and
Lih-Sin The), Ap. J., 341, 401 (1989).
"Axions and SN1987A" (with M. Turner and R. P. Brinkmann),
Phys. Rev. D 39, 1020 (1989).
"Protoneutron Star Formation," delivered at the Elizabeth and
Fredrick White Conference on SN1987A, in Proceedings of the Astronomical
Society of Australia, V. 7, no. 4, ed. K. M. Proust and W. J. Couch (1988),
p. 371.
"10 Seconds That Shook The World," in the Proceedings of
Neutrino-88, ed. J. Schneps, June 5-11, Tufts University, Boston, MA (1988),
pp. 142-164.
"Supernova Neutrinos," Ap. J., 334, 891 (1988).
"The Effect of Gas and Grain Opacity on the Cooling of Brown Dwarfs,"
(with W. B. Hubbard, J. I. Lunine, Y. Wang, and K. Garlow), Ap. J.,
338, 314 (1989).
"Neutrino Emission from SN1987A and an Upper Limit to the Electron
Neutrino Mass," in Proceedings of the XVIth INS International Symposium
on "Neutrino Mass and Related Topics," ed. S. Kato and T. Ohshima (World
Scientific), p. 249, March 16-18, 1988, Tokyo, Japan.
"A Statistical Derivation of an Upper Limit to the Electron
Neutrino Mass from the SN1987A Neutrino Data, Ap. J. (Letters),
328, L51-54 (1988).
"Convection and the Early Evolution of Neutron Stars," (with J.
Lattimer), Physics Reports 925, 51-62 (1988).
"The Burst from SN1987A," to be published in the Proceedings
of the XXIII Recontre de Moriond on Neutrinos and Exotic Phenomena,
eds. O. Fackler and J. Tran Thanh Van (Editions Frontieres, 1988),
p. 245.
"Infrared Polar Brightenings on Jupiter: V. A Thermal
Equilibrium Model for the North Polar Hot Spot," (with R. Halthore and J.
Caldwell), Icarus, 74, pp. 340-350 (1988).
"A Conservative Lagrangian Hydrodynamical Scheme with Parabolic
Spatial Accuracy" (with A. Yahil and M. Johnston), J. Comp. Phys., in
press (1988).
"Neutrinos and SN1987A," (with J. M. Lattimer), Sky and
Telescope (1988), V. 76, no. 4, pp. 348-350.
"Peering into the Abyss: The Neutrinos from SN1987A," in Supernova
1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud, eds. M. Kafatos and A.
Michalitsianos (Cambridge University Press, 1988), pp. 161-171.
"Neutrinos from SN1987A," (with J. M. Lattimer) Ap. J.
(Letters) 318, L63 (1987).
"Convection and the Mechanism of Type II Supernovae," Ap. J.
(Letters) 318, L57 (1987).
"Supernova Neutrinos," in the proceedings of the Workshop on
Extra Solar Neutrinos, ed. D. Cline (World Scientific: Singapore), p. 3.,
Sept. 30-Oct. 2, 1987, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA.
"The Birth of Neutron Stars and Black Holes," Physics Today,
V. 40, no. 9, pp. 28-37 (1987) (also in Parity, V3, pp. 8-22 (1988), in
Japanese, and in Fizika Za Rubezhom 1989, A series in Russian).
"Neutrinos from SN1987A: Theory vs. Observations," in the
Proceedings of the ESO Conference on SN1987A, ed. J. Danziger,
July 6-8, 1987, Garching bei München, West Germany (ESO Workshop and
Proceedings #26), pp. 315-323.
"Neutrino Bursts from Supernovae, SN1987A, and an Upper Limit of
the Electron Neutrino Mass," in the Proceedings of Telemark IV: Neutrino
Masses and Neutrino Astrophysics, edited by V. Barger, F. Halzen,
M. Marshak, and K. Olive, Ashland, WI, March 16-18 (World Scientific, 1987),
p. 28.
"Neutron Star Birth and the Weak Interaction," in Weak and
Electromagnetic Interactions in Nuclei (Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 1986),
pp. 960-968
"New Constraints on the Progenitor of the Binary Pulsar:
PSR1913-16" (with S. E. Woosley), Ap. J. 308, 680 (1986).
"The Birth of Neutron Stars" (with J. Lattimer), Ap. J. 307,
178 (1986).
"Speculations on the Fizzled Collapse of a Massive Star," Ap.
J. 300, 488 (1986).
"The Prompt Mechanism of Type II Supernovae" (with J. Lattimer),
Ap. J. (Letters). 299, L19 (1985).
"Type II Supernova Energetics" (with J. M. Lattimer and A.
Yahil), Ap. J. 288, 644 (1985).
"Neutrinos from Stellar Collapse," in Solar Neutrinos and
Neutrino Astronomy, eds. M. L. Cherry, W. A. Fowler, and K. Lande (American
Institute of Physics, New York, 1984), pp. 283-294.
"The Physics of Supernova Shocks" (with J. M. Lattimer), in Problems of
Collapse and Numerical Relativity, eds. D. Bancel and M. Signore
(Dordrecht, Reidel, 1984), pp. 147-162, Toulouse, France.
"The Current Status of Stellar Collapse," in Comments on
Astrophysics, vol. 10, no. 4, p. 149 (1984).
"On the Accuracy of the Single Nucleus Approximation in the
Equation of State of Hot Dense Matter" (with J. M. Lattimer), Ap. J.
285, 294 (1984).
"On Detecting Stellar Collapse with Neutrinos," Ap. J. 283,
848 (1984).
"The Effect of Trapped Lepton Number and Entropy on the Outcome of
Stellar Collapse" (with J. M. Lattimer), Ap. J. 270, 735 (1983).
"Signature of Stellar Collapse in Electron-Type Neutrinos" (with T.
J. Mazurek), Nature 301, 315 (1983).
"Post-Shock Neutrino Transport and Electron-Capture in Stellar
Collapse" (with T. J. Mazurek), Ap. J. 259, 330 (1982).
"The Deleptonization and Heating of Proto-Neutron Stars" (with T.
J. Mazurek and J. M. Lattimer), Ap. J. 251, 325 (1981).
"Optimal Sampling of Charge-Coupled Devices" (with D. Hegyi),
Astron. J. 85, 1421 (1980).
"Beta Decay in Quark Stars," Phys. Rev. Lett. 44, 1640
"Gamma-Ray Lines from Accreting Neutron Stars" (with K. Brecher),
Ap. J. 240, 642 (1980).
"On the Neutrino Cooling of Quark Stars" (with K. Brecher), Ap. J.
236, 241 (1980).
"Neutrino Flux from Quark Matter," Phys. Rev. D 20, 1816 (1979).