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    <allpages gapfrom="SM" />
      <page pageid="404" ns="0" title="Request tracker">

    Queue: &lt;name&gt;
        Set new queue for the ticket

    Subject: &lt;string&gt;
        Set new subject to the given string

    Status: &lt;status&gt;
        Set new status, one of new, open, stalled, resolved, rejected or

    Owner: &lt;username&gt;
        Set new owner using the given username

    Priority: &lt;#&gt;
        Set new priority to the given value

    FinalPriority: &lt;#&gt;
        Set new final priority to the given value

    Set new date/timestamp, or 0 to unset:

        Due: &lt;new timestamp&gt;
        Starts: &lt;new timestamp&gt;
        Started: &lt;new timestamp&gt;

    Set new times to the given value in minutes. Note that on
    correspond/comment &quot;TimeWorked&quot; add time to the current value.

        TimeWorked: &lt;minutes&gt;
        TimeEstimated: &lt;minutes&gt;
        TimeLeft: &lt;minutes&gt;

    Manage watchers: requestors, ccs and admin ccs. This commands can be
    used several times and/or with &quot;Add&quot; and &quot;Del&quot; prefixes, for example
    &quot;Requestor&quot; comand set requestor(s) and the current requestors would be
    deleted, but &quot;AddRequestor&quot; command adds to the current list.

        Requestor: &lt;address&gt; Set requestor(s) using the email address
        AddRequestor: &lt;address&gt; Add new requestor using the email address
        DelRequestor: &lt;address&gt; Remove email address as requestor
        Cc: &lt;address&gt; Set Cc watcher(s) using the email address
        AddCc: &lt;address&gt; Add new Cc watcher using the email address
        DelCc: &lt;address&gt; Remove email address as Cc watcher
        AdminCc: &lt;address&gt; Set AdminCc watcher(s) using the email address
        AddAdminCc: &lt;address&gt; Add new AdminCc watcher using the email address
        DelAdminCc: &lt;address&gt; Remove email address as AdminCc watcher

    Manage links. These commands are also could be used several times in one

        DependsOn: &lt;ticket id&gt;
        DependedOnBy: &lt;ticket id&gt;
        RefersTo: &lt;ticket id&gt;
        ReferredToBy: &lt;ticket id&gt;
        Members: &lt;ticket id&gt;
        MemberOf: &lt;ticket id&gt;

   Custom field values
    Manage custom field values. Could be used multiple times.

        CustomField.{CFName}: &lt;custom field value&gt;
        AddCustomField.{CFName}: &lt;custom field value&gt;
        DelCustomField.{CFName}: &lt;custom field value&gt;

    Short forms:

        CF.{CFName}: &lt;custom field value&gt;
        AddCF.{CFName}: &lt;custom field value&gt;
        DelCF.{CFName}: &lt;custom field value&gt;
For example, to disown a ticket and reset it as new, send an email to RT (comment or correspond) with the first two lines:

Owner: Nobody
Status: New

Not it!
      <page pageid="81" ns="0" title="Requesting assistance">
          <rev>If you need help with something, whether it be a problem on your local workstation in Peyton Hall or something related to the network, it's simple to do. 

== What to say ==
It's NOT sufficient to say &quot;I can't see a disk&quot; or &quot;I have no home directory&quot; without also giving information such as which disk you can't see, and which machine you tried to view it from.  If you tried on three machines, list all three and what happened there.  If your neighbor tried from the same three and had no trouble, mention that as well.  Without a clear report of what the problem is, what you did to elicit the incorrect behavior and from where you did it, your problem report may be glossed over as either incorrect, or will require a reply to get the additional information from you.  &quot;The network's broken&quot; doesn't say nearly as much as &quot;I can't reach or, but have no trouble with and; does.

== Via email ==
Send an email to help@astro, which goes into our trouble ticketing system.  You will get an automatic reply, with information about the ticket that was generated.

: Please do not email any of the systems administrators directly.  They do occasionally take vacations, and if your email goes directly to them than whomever is available to help will not know you need any assistance.  By using the ticketing system, you ensure that more than one person sees your request (and there's a record that you asked, so nobody is as likely to delete the mail by accident and then not know you need a hand at all).

Once an administrator has taken ownership of the issue, they will respond to you through the Request Tracker software and you'll get an email back with any information.

: Any and all correspondence related to that ticket should be done through the help@astro address, and by keeping the &quot;[ #xxx]&quot; part of the subject line intact!  This is how the ticketing software knows that the email pertains to an issue that already exists in the system, and doesn't generate a new ticket for the issue.

In some cases, such as &quot;Do you have a recent Fedora CD?&quot;, generating a trouble ticket might seem to be overkill when a simple email would suffice.  However, this system keeps things running smoothly from the point of the administrators, and even simple emails like that are fine.  For one, the email will go to all the administrators, and whomever responds to it can take ownership of the problem (meaning they're going to take care of it) so multiple people don't try to solve the same issue simultaneously.  Also, when the issue is resolved, it leaves behind a series of notes that can be used to fix similar problems in the future, or at least show who solved the problem in the past.  And in the case of the user asking for a CD, now everyone involved knows that someone did get a CD to you, and also if it needs to be returned then it's known who borrowed it.

== After hours ==
You can send mails to help@astro at any time, day or night.  We tend to look over the emails there on nights and weekends as well, and if it's a more serious issue we'll do our best to resolve it remotely.

== Emergency contacts ==
Should there be some kind of emergency (or, for example, email is down - in which case, sending us an email is quite silly and useless), you can also call us directly.  When you call, please have all information available - what you see as the problem, what (if anything) you've done to try to fix it, from which machine(s) you see the problem, and when you first noticed something wrong.  Chances are fairly good that we may not answer the phone when you call - especially if we're still fumbling for the phone in the middle of the night - so be prepared to leave a detailed message, and include a number where you can be reached if we need to call you back.  We may reply via email (if possible) too.

* Steve Huston: (267) 793-0852
* Leigh Koven: 
: These numbers are also posted on the door to the server room (030).</rev>