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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<module classname="ApiParse" description="This module parses wikitext and returns parser output" prefix="" name="parse">
<param name="title" default="API" description="Title of page the text belongs to" />
<param name="text" />
<param name="page" />
<param name="oldid" />
<param name="prop" default="text|langlinks|categories|links|templates|images|externallinks|sections|revid" multi="" description="Which pieces of information to get. NOTE: Section tree is only generated if there are more than 4 sections, or if the __TOC__ keyword is present">
<module classname="ApiQueryAllpages" description="Enumerate all pages sequentially in a given namespace" prefix="ap" name="allpages">
<param name="from" />
<param name="prefix" />
<param name="namespace" default="0" type="namespace" description="The namespace to enumerate." />
<param name="filterredir" default="all" description="Which pages to list.">
<param name="minsize" type="integer" description="Limit to pages with at least this many bytes" />
<param name="maxsize" type="integer" description="Limit to pages with at most this many bytes" />
<param name="prtype" multi="" description="Limit to protected pages only">
<param name="prlevel" multi="" description="The protection level (must be used with apprtype= parameter)">
<t />
<param name="limit" default="10" type="limit" max="500" highmax="5000" min="1" description="How many total pages to return." />
<param name="dir" default="ascending" description="The direction in which to list">
<param name="filterlanglinks" default="all" description="Filter based on whether a page has langlinks">
<module classname="ApiQuerySiteinfo" description="Return general information about the site." prefix="si" name="siteinfo">
<param name="prop" default="general" multi="" description="Which sysinfo properties to get: "general" - Overall system information "namespaces" - List of registered namespaces (localized) "namespacealiases" - List of registered namespace aliases "specialpagealiases" - List of special page aliases "statistics" - Returns site statistics "interwikimap" - Returns interwiki map (optionally filtered) "dbrepllag" - Returns database server with the highest replication lag "usergroups" - Returns user groups and the associated permissions">
<param name="filteriw" description="Return only local or only nonlocal entries of the interwiki map">
<param name="showalldb" type="bool" default="false" />