#if !defined(PHFITS_H) #define PHFITS_H #include #include "phObjc.h" typedef struct { int fd, hfd; /* file descriptors for main table and heap */ int bitpix; /* value of bitpix */ int naxis; /* number of axes */ int naxis1, naxis2; /* size of table */ int theap; /* offset of heap */ int pcount; /* size of heap */ off_t data_start; /* start of data */ off_t heap_start; /* start of heap */ int maskrows, maskcols; /* read from PDU of fpM files */ } FITS; FITS *phFitsNew(const char *file); void phFitsDel(FITS *fits); FITS *open_fits_table(const char *name, int hdu); ATLAS_IMAGE *read_atlas_image(const FITS *fits, int row); OBJMASK *read_objmask(const FITS *fits, int row); #if defined(PH_VARIABLE_PSF_H) PSF_KL_COMP *read_KLC(const FITS *fits, int row); #endif void write_fits_file(const char *name, const void *reg, int bitpix); #endif