This standalone atlas image reader can be built in one of two ways: 1/ Simply type make No survey environment is required. If your machine is little endian (e.g. an intel-based PC), add -DSDSS_LITTLE_ENDIAN to CFLAGS in the Makefile, or type make CCCHK="-DSDSS_LITTLE_ENDIAN" If you have a survey environment and have setup dervish, but still want the fully standalone version, you'll either have to unsetup dervish, or uncomment the lines #DERVINC = and #DERVLIB = in the Makefile before building read_atlas_image 2/ Setup dervish, and type sdssmake I'd recommend that you do a make clean before switching between these two ways of building read_atlas_image. You may not strictly need to do so, but it's certainly a wise precaution. Then, to write object 12's 2nd colour (i.e. r)'s atlas image (found in file fpAtlas.fits) to file ai.fits, you'd say read_atlas_image -c 2 fpAtlas.fits 12 ai.fits I don't expect that many users will actually want to use the read_atlas_image executable (although it is perfectly functional). The main use of the product will probably be to link into custom built executables that need to process atlas image data. I believe that the code should be easily reused for this purpose. If you look at the code you'll see that it actually manipulates a type called an ATLAS_IMAGE. This contains a field called a master_mask that contains inter alia the bounding box of the atlas image ([rc]{min,max}) in the r band, and offsets to that band (d{row,col}). The standalone programmes read_mask (reads fpM files) and read_PSF (reads psField files) are similar; build instructions are identical. To read the z' INTERP mask from from run 1336, column 2, field 51 you'd say: read_mask /u/rhl/data/1336/objcs/2/ 1 The resulting file ( would be a char FITS file, with a 1 in each pixel that was interpolated. The bitplanes are: typedef enum { S_MASK_INTERP = 0, /* pixel's value has been interpolated */ S_MASK_SATUR, /* pixel is/was saturated */ S_MASK_NOTCHECKED, /* pixel was NOT examined for an object */ S_MASK_OBJECT, /* pixel is part of some object */ S_MASK_BRIGHTOBJECT, /* pixel is part of bright object */ S_MASK_BINOBJECT, /* pixel is part of binned object */ S_MASK_CATOBJECT, /* pixel is part of a catalogued object */ S_MASK_SUBTRACTED, /* model has been subtracted from pixel */ S_MASK_GHOST, /* pixel is part of a ghost */ S_MASK_CR, /* pixel is part of a cosmic ray */ S_NMASK_TYPES /* number of types; MUST BE LAST */ } S_MASKTYPE; with HDU _one_ corresponding to plane _zero_ (INTERP). You can specify these HDUs by name (e.g. OBJECT) or number (4). With the -p flag, instead of generating a FITS file, a description of each mask object as a set of convex polygons is written in ascii to the output file; the format should be obvious. One caveat: the vertices of the polygons are the pixel indices, so the boundaries pass _through_ the edge pixels, and the quoted areas are not quite the areas of the polygons that include all of the area. The current version of this polygonal approximation code in fact generates exactly one polygon per photo object, the convex hull. To reconstruct the z' PSF (i.e. the 5th HDU) at the position (row, col) = (500, 600) from run 1336, column 2, field 51 you'd say: read_PSF 5 500.0 600.0 The desired PSF would appear as an unsigned short FITS file in; the background level is set to the standard `soft bias' of 1000. If you want a floating image, change a line in the read_PSF.c; look for /* create a float region */ Robert Lupton (