
-MandelAgolTransit <bls | blsfixper | P0 T00 r0 a0 <"i" inclination | "b" bimpact> e0 omega0 mconst0> <"quad" | "nonlin"> ldcoeff1_0 ... ldcoeffn_0 fitephem fitr fita fitinclterm fite fitomega fitmconst fitldcoeff1 ... fitldcoeffn fitRV [RVinputfile RVmodeloutfile K0 gamma0 fitK fitgamma] correctlc omodel [model_outdir]

Example 1.
$ ./vartools -i EXAMPLES/3.transit -oneline \
    -BLS q 0.01 0.1 0.5 5.0 20000 200 7 1 0 0 0 \
    -MandelAgolTransit bls quad 0.3471 0.3180 \
        1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 EXAMPLES/OUTDIR1

Name                         = EXAMPLES/3.transit
BLS_Period_1_0               =     2.12312625
BLS_Tc_1_0                   = 53727.297046247397
BLS_SN_1_0                   =  38.39425
BLS_SR_1_0                   =   0.00237
BLS_SDE_1_0                  =   4.77204
BLS_Depth_1_0                =   0.01136
BLS_Qtran_1_0                =   0.03000
BLS_i1_1_0                   =   0.98500
BLS_i2_1_0                   =   1.01000
BLS_deltaChi2_1_0            = -24130.93833
BLS_fraconenight_1_0         =   0.42662
BLS_Npointsintransit_1_0     =   146
BLS_Ntransits_1_0            =     4
BLS_Npointsbeforetransit_1_0 =   106
BLS_Npointsaftertransit_1_0  =   120
BLS_Rednoise_1_0             =   0.00156
BLS_Whitenoise_1_0           =   0.00490
BLS_SignaltoPinknoise_1_0    =  12.89679
BLS_Period_invtransit_0      =     1.14599569
BLS_deltaChi2_invtransit_0   = -3289.67397
BLS_MeanMag_0                =  10.16740
MandelAgolTransit_Period_1   =     2.12328176
MandelAgolTransit_T0_1       = 53727.29695831
MandelAgolTransit_r_1        =   0.09789
MandelAgolTransit_a_1        =   9.35954
MandelAgolTransit_bimpact_1  =   0.33094
MandelAgolTransit_inc_1      =  87.97368
MandelAgolTransit_e_1        =   0.00000
MandelAgolTransit_omega_1    =   0.00000
MandelAgolTransit_mconst_1   =  10.16687
MandelAgolTransit_ldcoeff1_1 =   0.34710
MandelAgolTransit_ldcoeff2_1 =   0.31800
MandelAgolTransit_chi2_1     =  27.06054

Use -BLS to identify a transit signal in the light curve EXAMPLES/3.transit and fit a Mandel-Agol transit model to it. For the -MandelAgolTransit command we indicate that the initial parameter values should be determined based on the results from the -BLS command. We use a quadratic limb-darkening law, with parameters 0.3471 and 0.3180. We set flags to vary the ephemeris (P and T0), Rp/R*, a/R* and the impact parameter. We do not vary either the eccentricity or argument of periastron. We vary the mean out-of-transit magnitude, and we do not vary either of the limb-darkening coefficients. We do not fit and RV curve or subtract the best-fit model from the light curve. We output the best-fit model to the directory EXAMPLES/OUTDIR1 (the filename will be EXAMPLES/OUTDIR1/3.transit.mandelagoltransit.model.

Example Mandel-Agol transit model fit

Fig 1. Fit of a Mandel-Agol transit model to the light curve in Example 1.