
-aov_harm Nharm minp maxp subsample finetune Npeaks operiodogram [outdir] ["whiten"] ["clip" clip clipiter] ["fixperiodSNR" <"aov" | "ls" | "injectharm" | "fix" period | "spec" | "fixcolumn" <colname | colnum>>]

Example 1.
$./vartools -i EXAMPLES/2 -oneline -ascii \
    -aov_harm 1 0.1 10. 0.1 0.01 2 1 EXAMPLES/OUTDIR1 \
        whiten clip 5. 1

Name                     = EXAMPLES/2
Period_1_0               =     1.23533969
AOV_HARM_1_0             =    592360
AOV_HARM_SNR_1_0         =   97480.2
AOV_HARM_NEG_LOG_FAP_1_0 =   9730.81
Mean_lnAOV_1_0           =   6.36347
RMS_lnAOV_1_0            =   6.07665
Period_2_0               =     0.49981672
AOV_HARM_2_0             =   67.3973
AOV_HARM_SNR_2_0         =   14.1748
AOV_HARM_NEG_LOG_FAP_2_0 =   60.3343
Mean_lnAOV_2_0           =   4.65647
RMS_lnAOV_2_0            =   4.42623

Runs the harmonic-fitting AoV period-finding algorithm on the light curve EXAMPLES/2. 1 harmonic is used (i.e. the model is a simple sine-curve). Periods between 0.1 and 10.0 days are searched. The coarse search is done at a frequency resolution of 0.1/T (T is the time-span of the lc, 31.1d in this case). The fine search around the peaks is done at a frequency resolution of 0.01/T. The top 2 peaks are identified, between each cycle the best-fit signal is removed and the periodogram is regenerated. The periodogram is output (the '-ascii' flag ensures that it is output as an ascii file rather than a binary file) to the directory EXAMPLES/OUTDIR1. The filename will be 2.aov_harm. An iterative 5-sigma clipping is applied when identifying peaks in the periodogram.

Example AoV_Harm Periodogram

Fig 1. AoV_Harm Periodogram Computed in Example 1.