Gravitational Waves from Core-Collapse Supernova

Repository of Theoretical Gravitational Wave Signatures from Supernovae:

Abstract from the paper The gravitational wave signal from core-collapse supernovae by Viktoriya Morozova, David Radice, Adam Burrows, and David Vartanyan; arXiv:1801.01914):

We study gravitational waves (GWs) from a set of two-dimensional multi-group neutrino radiation hydrodynamic simulations of core-collapse supernovae (CCSNe). Our goal is to systematize the current knowledge about the post-bounce CCSN GW signal and recognize the templatable features that could be used by the ground-based laser interferometers. We demonstrate that starting from ~400 ms after core bounce the dominant GW signal represents the fundamental quadrupole ($l=2$) oscillation mode (f-mode) of the proto-neutron star (PNS), which can be accurately reproduced by a linear perturbation analysis of the angle-averaged PNS profile. Before that, in the time interval between ~200 and ~400 ms after bounce, the dominant mode has two radial nodes and represents a g-mode. We associate the high-frequency noise in the GW spectrograms above the main signal with p-modes, while below the dominant frequency there is an `excluded region' with very little power. The collection of models presented here summarizes the dependence of the CCSN GW signal on the progenitor mass, equation of state, many-body corrections to the neutrino opacity, and rotation. Weak dependence of the dominant GW frequency on the progenitor mass motivates us to provide a simple fit for it as a function of time, which can be used as a prior when looking for CCSN candidates in the LIGO data.

Below are the gravitational wave (GW) strain data from that paper. The naming convention for all models is explained in Table 1 therein README. For each model, we give the GW strain signal due to the matter terms alone, neutrino memory is not included in these files at the moment, though it was calculated for all models. The data are in ASCII format and the two columns are

1:time time since bounce in sec

2:hplus plus polarization of the GW strain times distance in cm

The data are sampled at ~20 kHz, but, due to timestep fluctuations in the simulation, the sampling is not perfectly uniform in time. Therefore resampling might be necessary.








All the strain files

The sonifications for each model follow: